thin thread
Смотреть что такое "thin thread" в других словарях:
thin — [thin] adj. thinner, thinnest [ME thinne < OE thynne, akin to Ger dünn < IE * tenu , thin < base * ten , to stretch > L tenuis, thin, tenere, to hold, tendere & Gr teinein, to stretch] 1. having relatively little depth; of little… … English World dictionary
thread — thread1 [ θred ] noun ** ▸ 1 used for sewing ▸ 2 line around screw ▸ 3 long line of something ▸ 4 idea that connects ▸ 5 series of messages ▸ 6 very small amount/level ▸ 7 clothes ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count or uncount a long thin fiber used for… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
thread — I n. fiber, cord 1) to make, spin; wind thread 2) coarse; fine; heavy; thin thread 3) cotton; lisle; nylon; polyester; rayon; silk thread 4) a reel (BE), spool (AE) of thread 5) (misc.) to hang by a thread ( to be very uncertain ) theme train of… … Combinatory dictionary
thread mark — /ˈθrɛd mak/ (say thred mahk) noun a thin thread in paper currency used to prevent counterfeiting …
Thread (Pern) — Thread is the name of a deadly phenomenon that appears throughout Anne McCaffrey s series of science fiction novels about the fictional planet Pern. Thread are thin silver filaments of a space borne mycorrhizoid spore that devours all organic… … Wikipedia
thread — ► NOUN 1) a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving. 2) a long thin line or piece of something. 3) (also screw thread) a spiral ridge on the outside of a screw, bolt, etc. or on the inside of a cylindrical… … English terms dictionary
thread — [thred] n. [ME threde < OE thræd (akin to Ger draht) < base of thrawan, to twist: see THROW] 1. a) a light, fine, stringlike length of material made up of two or more fibers or strands of spun cotton, flax, silk, etc. twisted together and… … English World dictionary
thread vein — noun A very fine vein on the surface of the skin, esp on the face • • • Main Entry: ↑thread * * * thread vein UK US noun [countable] [singular thread vein plural … Useful english dictionary
thread´i|ness — thread|y «THREHD ee», adjective, thread|i|er, thread|i|est. 1. consisting of or resembling a thread; threadlike. 2. a) composed of fine fibers; … Useful english dictionary
thread|y — «THREHD ee», adjective, thread|i|er, thread|i|est. 1. consisting of or resembling a thread; threadlike. 2. a) composed of fine fibers; … Useful english dictionary
thread-paper — threadˈ paper noun A piece of thin soft paper for wrapping up a skein of thread • • • Main Entry: ↑thread … Useful english dictionary