thermal plasma
Смотреть что такое "thermal plasma" в других словарях:
Plasma (physics) — For other uses, see Plasma. Plasma lamp, illustrating some of the more complex phenomena of a plasma, including filamentation. The colors are a result of relaxation of electrons in excited states to lower energy states after they have recombined… … Wikipedia
Thermal spraying — techniques are coating processes in which melted (or heated) materials are sprayed onto a surface. The feedstock (coating precursor) is heated by electrical (plasma or arc) or chemical means (combustion flame). Thermal spraying can provide thick… … Wikipedia
Thermal barrier coating — Thermal barrier coatings are highly advanced material systems applied to metallic surfaces, such as gas turbine or aero engine parts, operating at elevated temperatures. These coatings serve to insulate metallic components from large and… … Wikipedia
Plasma Spray — Plasma spraying, a method of thermal spraying, is a materials processing technique for producing coatings and free standing parts using a plasma jet. Deposits having thickness from micrometers to several millimeters can be produced from a variety … Wikipedia
Plasma stealth — is a proposed process that uses ionized gas (plasma) to reduce the radar cross section (RCS) of an aircraft. Interactions between electromagnetic radiation and ionized gas have been extensively studied for a variety of purposes, including the… … Wikipedia
Plasma parameters — define various characteristics of a plasma, an electrically conductive collection of charged particles that responds collectively to electromagnetic forces. Plasma typically takes the form of neutral gas like clouds or charged ion beams, but may… … Wikipedia
Plasma arc waste disposal — Plasma Converter redirects here.Plasma arc gasification is a waste treatment technology that uses high electrical energy and high temperature created by an electrical arc gasifier. This arc breaks down waste primarily into elemental gas and solid … Wikipedia
Plasma electrolytic oxidation — (PEO), also known as microarc oxidation (MAO), is an electrochemical surface treatment process for generating oxide coatings on metals. It is similar to anodizing, but it employs higher potentials, so that discharges[1] occur and the resulting… … Wikipedia
Plasma oscillation — Plasma oscillations, also known as Langmuir waves (after Irving Langmuir), are rapid oscillations of the electron density in conducting media such as plasmas or metals. The frequency only depends weakly on the wavelength. The quasiparticle… … Wikipedia
Plasma diagnostics — are experimental techniques used to measure properties of a plasma such as temperature and density. Langmuir probe Measurements with electric probes, called Langmuir probes, are the oldest and most often used procedures for low temperature… … Wikipedia
Thermal depolymerization — (TDP) is a process using hydrous pyrolysis for the reduction of complex organic materials (usually waste products of various sorts, often known as biomass and plastic) into light crude oil. It mimics the natural geological processes thought to be … Wikipedia