- thermal oil recovery
- добыча нефти тепловыми методами (обработка горячей водой, паром, забойный подогрев и внутрипластовое горение)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Enhanced oil recovery — (abbreviated EOR) is a generic term for techniques for increasing the amount of oil that can be extracted from an oil field. Using EOR, 30 60 %, or more, of the reservoir s original oil can be extracted [… … Wikipedia
Enhanced Oil Recovery - EOR — Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is the process of obtaining stranded oil not recovered from an oil reservoir through certain extraction processes. EOR uses methods including thermal recovery, gas injection, chemical injection and low salinity water… … Investment dictionary
Oil shale extraction — is an industrial process in which kerogen mdash;a mixture of organic chemical compounds (including hydrocarbons) found in oil shale mdash;is converted into synthetic crude oil through pyrolysis. In pyrolysis, oil shale is heated in the absence of … Wikipedia
Oil sands — The Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada, are a very large source of bitumen, which can be upgraded to synthetic crude oil. Bituminous sands, colloquially known as oil sands or tar sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. The… … Wikipedia
Oil shale — For the scientific technical journal, see Oil Shale (journal). Not to be confused with Shale oil or Tight oil. Oil shale Sedimentary Rock Combustion of oil shale Composition … Wikipedia
Thermal power station — Republika Power Plant, a thermal power station in Pernik, Bulgaria … Wikipedia
Oil spill — A squid after an oil spill Oil Sick from th … Wikipedia
Oil shale industry — Stuart oil shale pilot plant (now dismantled) Oil shale industry is an industry of mining and processing of oil shale a fine grained sedimentary rock, containing significant amounts of kerogen (a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds), from … Wikipedia
Oil Campaign chronology of World War II — Main articles: Oil Campaign of World War II and Oil Campaign targets of World War II The Oil Campaign chronology of World War II lists bombing missions and related events regarding the petroleum/oil/lubrication (POL) facilities that supplied Nazi … Wikipedia
heavy oil and tar sand — Introduction crude oils (crude oil) below 20° API gravity are usually considered to be heavy. The lighter conventional crudes are often waterflooded to enhance recovery. The injection of water into the reservoir helps to maintain reservoir… … Universalium
Shale oil extraction — Shell s experimental in situ shale oil facility, Piceance Basin, Colorado, United States Process type Chemical Industrial sector(s) Chemical industry, oil indus … Wikipedia