thermal excitation

thermal excitation
тепловое (термическое) возбуждение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thermal excitation" в других словарях:

  • thermal excitation — šiluminis sužadinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. thermal excitation vok. thermische Anregung, f rus. тепловое возбуждение, n; термическое возбуждение, n pranc. excitation thermique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • excitation thermique — šiluminis sužadinimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. thermal excitation vok. thermische Anregung, f rus. тепловое возбуждение, n; термическое возбуждение, n pranc. excitation thermique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Thermal shock — is the name given to cracking as a result of rapid temperature change. Glass and ceramic objects are particularly vulnerable to this form of failure, due to their low toughness, low thermal conductivity, and high thermal expansion coefficients.… …   Wikipedia

  • Thermal ionization — In thermal ionization, also referred to as surface ionization, chemically purified material loaded onto a filament which is then heated to cause some of the material to be ionized as it boils off the hot filament. Filaments are generally flat… …   Wikipedia

  • Electron excitation — is the movement of an electron to a higher energy state. This can either be done by photoexcitation (PE), where the original electron absorbs the photon and gains all the photon s energy or by electrical excitation (EE), where the original… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-thermal microwave effect — Non thermal microwave effects have been posited in order to explain unusual observations in microwave chemistry. As the name suggests, the effects are supposed not to require the transfer of microwave energy into thermal energy. Instead, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Impulse excitation technique — PracticalThe impulse excitation technique is a nondestructive test method that uses natural frequency, dimensions and mass of a test piece to determine Young s modulus, Shear modulus, Poisson s ratio and damping coefficient.Dimensions and mass of …   Wikipedia

  • Dielectric thermal analysis — (DETA), or Dielectric Analysis (DEA), is a materials science technique similar to dynamic mechanical analysis except that an oscillating electrical field is used instead of a mechanical force. For investigation of the curing behavior of… …   Wikipedia

  • Heat capacity — Thermodynamics …   Wikipedia

  • superconductivity — superconduction /sooh peuhr keuhn duk sheuhn/, n. superconductive /sooh peuhr keuhn duk tiv/, superconducting, adj. superconductor /sooh peuhr keuhn duk teuhr/, n. /sooh peuhr kon deuhk tiv i tee/, n. Physics. the phenomenon of almost perfect… …   Universalium

  • Molecular geometry — Geometry of the water molecule Molecular geometry or molecular structure is the three dimensional arrangement of the atoms that constitute a molecule. It determines several properties of a substance including its reactivity, polarity, phase of… …   Wikipedia

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