theory of computing

theory of computing
теория вычислений

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "theory of computing" в других словарях:

  • Theory of Computing (journal) — Theory of Computing is an online open access journal dedicated to theoretical computer science. The journal was founded in 2005 admist growing concerns about the financial difficulties of university libraries around the world faced with rising… …   Wikipedia

  • Symposium on Theory of Computing — STOC, the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing is an academic conference in the field of theoretical computer science. STOC has been organized annually since 1969, typically in May or June; the conference is sponsored by the Association… …   Wikipedia

  • Computing the permanent — In mathematics, the computation of the permanent of a matrix is a problem that is believed to be more complex than the computation of the determinant of a matrix despite the apparent similarity of the definitions. The permanent is defined… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of relations — This article is about the theory of relations with regard to its specifically combinatorial aspects. For a general discussion of the basic definitions, see Binary relation and Finitary relation. The theory of relations treats the subject matter… …   Wikipedia

  • Computing Machinery and Intelligence — Computing Machinery and Intelligence, written by Alan Turing and published in 1950 in Mind, is a seminal paper on the topic of artificial intelligence in which the concept of what is now known as the Turing test was introduced to a wide audience …   Wikipedia

  • Computing — For the formal concept of computation, see computation. For the magazine, see Computing (magazine). For the scientific journal, see Computing (journal). A difference engine: computing the solution to a polynomial function …   Wikipedia

  • Computing and the Arts — The major, also known as ICAM (short for Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts Major) is jointly offered by the Music and Visual Arts departments at UCSD. Students choose which concentration they wish to pursue based on their liking because,… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of conjoint measurement — The theory of conjoint measurement (also known as conjoint measurement or additive conjoint measurement) is a general, formal theory of continuous quantity. It was independently discovered by the French economist Gerard Debreu (1960) and by the… …   Wikipedia

  • computing — noun 1. the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods • Syn: ↑calculation, ↑computation • Derivationally related forms: ↑computational (for: ↑computation), ↑compute …   Useful english dictionary

  • Computing Technology Industry Association — The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a non profit trade association, was created in 1982 as the Association of Better Computer Dealers, Inc. (ABCD) by representatives of five microcomputer dealerships. Over the course of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of equations — Equation E*qua tion, n. [L. aequatio an equalizing: cf. F. [ e]quation equation. See {Equate}.] 1. A making equal; equal division; equality; equilibrium. [1913 Webster] Again the golden day resumed its right, And ruled in just equation with the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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