- theorists
- Теоретики
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
theorists — the·o·rist || θɪərɪst n. one who theorizes, one who deals with the theory of a subject, one who develops theories … English contemporary dictionary
List of political theorists — This is a list of notable political theorists. See the list of political scientists for those who study politics using the scientific method. A political theorist is someone who engages in constructing or evaluating political theory, including… … Wikipedia
List of liberal theorists — Liberalism … Wikipedia
List of business theorists — This is an annotated list of important business theorists. It is in alphabetical order based on last name. To facilitate reading, only names are hyperlinked. For quick navigation, click on one of the letters: NOTOC compactTOCBusiness… … Wikipedia
List of critical theorists — See also Critical theory (Frankfurt School) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Theodor Adorno Giorgio Agamben Karl Otto Apel Louis Althusser Michael Apple Hannah Aren … Wikipedia
List of urban theorists — List of urban theorists, in alphabetical order:* Christopher Alexander * Donald Appleyard * Michael E. Arth * Christopher Charles Benninger * Walter Block * Michael Bounds * Peter Calthorpe * Manuel Castells * Mike Davis * Constantinos Doxiadis * … Wikipedia
List of psychoanalytical theorists — A few of the most influential psychoanalysts and theorists, philosophers and literary critics who were or are influenced by psychoanlaysis include:* Nathan Ackerman pioneer family therapist * Alfred Adler Proponent of individual psychology. *… … Wikipedia
List of social theorists — A list of social theorists includes classical as well as modern thinkers in social theory that were notable for the impact of their published works on the general discipline of sociology.* Amitai Etzioni * Auguste Comte * Charles Horton Cooley *… … Wikipedia
List of fictional conspiracy theorists — *Anarky *Matt Bluestone *Lincoln Burrows *Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) *Steve Crosetti *D. W. Read *Dib (Invader Zim) *Dogbert *Veronica Donovan *Elmont (Doonesbury) *Huey Freeman *Dale Gribble *Fuyuki Hinata *Jack Hodgins (Bones) *Steven Hyde… … Wikipedia
List of military theorists — See also list of military writers.* Friedrich von Bernhardi * Ivan Bloch * John Boyd, inventor of the OODA Loop and nicknamed 40 Second Boyd * Antoine de Brack * Charles E. Callwell * Lazare Carnot * Chanakya (Kautilya) * Carl von Clausewitz,… … Wikipedia
List of game theorists — This is a list of notable economists, mathematicians, political scientists, and computer scientists whose work has added substantially to the field of game theory.* Derek Abbott Quantum game theory and Parrondo s games * Robert Aumann equilibrium … Wikipedia