theoretical error

theoretical error
мат. теоретическая ошибка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "theoretical error" в других словарях:

  • Error management theory — Error Management is a theory that looks at history of cognitive biases throughout evolution. It was put forth by David Buss and Martie Haselton. Such biases and heuristics over the vast time line of evolutionary history could have only existed if …   Wikipedia

  • Theoretical ecology — Mathematical models developed in theoretical ecology predict complex food webs are less stable than simple webs.[1]:75–77[2]:64 …   Wikipedia

  • Error detection and correction — In mathematics, computer science, telecommunication, and information theory, error detection and correction has great practical importance in maintaining data (information) integrity across noisy channels and less than reliable storage… …   Wikipedia

  • Forward error correction — In telecommunication, information theory, and coding theory, forward error correction (FEC) or channel coding[1] is a technique used for controlling errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels. The central idea is… …   Wikipedia

  • Fundamental attribution error — In social psychology, the fundamental attribution error (also known as correspondence bias or attribution effect) describes the tendency to over value dispositional or personality based explanations for the observed behaviors of others while… …   Wikipedia

  • Probability of error — In statistics, the term error arises in two ways. Firstly, it arises in the context of decision making, where the probability of error may be considered as being the probability of making a wrong decision and which would have a different value… …   Wikipedia

  • Human error assessment and reduction technique — (HEART) is a technique used in the field of human reliability assessment (HRA), for the purposes of evaluating the probability of a human error occurring throughout the completion of a specific task. From such analyses measures can then be taken… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantization error — The difference between the actual analog value and quantized digital value due is called quantization error. This error is due either to rounding or truncation.Many physical quantities are actually quantized by physical entities. Examples of… …   Wikipedia

  • Word error rate — (WER) is a common metric of the performance of a speech recognition system.The general difficulty of measuring performance lies in the fact that the recognized word sequence can have a different length from the reference word sequence (supposedly …   Wikipedia

  • Heim theory — is a collection of ideas about the fundamental laws of physics proposed by Burkhard Heim [http://www.igw resch verlag/burkhard heim/band1.html] , [http://www.igw resch verlag/burkhard heim/band2.html] and further… …   Wikipedia

  • Borden Parker Bowne — Borden Parker Bowen was born on 14 January, 1847, near Leonardville, NJ, and died in Boston on 1 April, 1910. He was one of six children of upright parents raised in rural New Jersey, near what is today called Atlantic Highlands. Notably, the… …   Wikipedia

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