

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "theorems" в других словарях:

  • theorems — index premises (hypotheses) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Theorems and definitions in linear algebra — This article collects the main theorems and definitions in linear algebra. Vector spaces A vector space( or linear space) V over a number field² F consists of a set on which two operations (called addition and scalar multiplication, respectively) …   Wikipedia

  • theorems — theorem …   Philosophy dictionary

  • theorems — the·o·rem || θɪərÉ™m n. theoretical propositions which is to be proven (Mathematics); rule, law, basic premise; generally accepted rule …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Gödel's incompleteness theorems — In mathematical logic, Gödel s incompleteness theorems, proved by Kurt Gödel in 1931, are two theorems stating inherent limitations of all but the most trivial formal systems for arithmetic of mathematical interest. The theorems are of… …   Wikipedia

  • Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems — The Penrose Hawking singularity theorems are a set of results in general relativity which attempt to answer the question of whether gravity is necessarily singular. These theorems answer this question affirmatively for matter satisfying… …   Wikipedia

  • List of theorems — This is a list of theorems, by Wikipedia page. See also *list of fundamental theorems *list of lemmas *list of conjectures *list of inequalities *list of mathematical proofs *list of misnamed theorems *Existence theorem *Classification of finite… …   Wikipedia

  • Helmholtz's theorems — In fluid mechanics, Helmholtz s theorems describe the three dimensional motion of fluid in the vicinity of vortex filaments. These theorems apply to inviscid flows and flows where the influence of viscous forces is small and can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Sylow theorems — In mathematics, specifically group theory, the Sylow theorems, named after Ludwig Sylow, form a partial converse to Lagrange s theorem, which states that if H is a subgroup of a finite group G , then the order of H divides the order of G . The… …   Wikipedia

  • Supersymmetry nonrenormalization theorems — In theoretical physics a nonrenormalization theorem is a limitation on how a certain quantity in the classical description of a quantum field theory may be modified by renormalization in the full quantum theory. Renormalization theorems are… …   Wikipedia

  • Abelian and tauberian theorems — In mathematics, abelian and tauberian theorems relate to the meaningful assignment of a value as the sum of a class of divergent series. A large number of methods have been proposed for the summation of such series, generally taking the form of… …   Wikipedia

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