theorem of system

theorem of system
мат. теорема системы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "theorem of system" в других словарях:

  • Theorem Proving System — The Theorem Proving System (TPS) is an automated theorem proving system for first order and higher order logic. TPS has been developed at Carnegie Mellon University. An educational version of it is known as ETPS (Educational Theorem Proving… …   Wikipedia

  • System of Physical Quantities — of Nikolay A. Plotnikov (SPQ) the classification of physical quantities or physical operators, that makes it possible to reveal their dependence on the geometry of space time and fundamental physical constants in the form of differential… …   Wikipedia

  • Theorem Proving in Higher-Order Logics — (TPHOLs) is an annual international academic conference on the topic of automated reasoning in higher order logics. The first TPHOLs was held in Cambridge, UK in 1987, but in the early years was an informal gathering of researchers interested in… …   Wikipedia

  • Theorem — The Pythagorean theorem has at least 370 known proofs[1] In mathematics, a theorem is a statement that has been proven on the basis of previously established statements, such as other theorems, and previously accepted statements …   Wikipedia

  • System of imprimitivity — The concept of system of imprimitivity is used in mathematics, particularly in algebra and analysis, both within the context of the theory of group representations. It was used by George Mackey as the basis for his theory of induced unitary… …   Wikipedia

  • theorem — theorematic /thee euhr euh mat ik, thear euh /, adj. theorematically, adv. /thee euhr euhm, thear euhm/, n. 1. Math. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas. 2. a rule… …   Universalium

  • Theorem der endlos tippenden Affen — Durch zufälliges Tippen von unendlicher Dauer auf einer Schreibmaschine werden mit Sicherheit alle Texte Shakespeares oder diverser Nationalbibliotheken entstehen. Das Infinite Monkey Theorem (v. engl. infinite „unendlich“; monkey „Affe“; theorem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Theorem von Savitch — Der Satz von Savitch oder Theorem von Savitch ist ein Satz aus der Komplexitätstheorie, der 1970 von Walter Savitch bewiesen wurde. Er besagt, dass ein von einer nichtdeterministischen Turingmaschine mit einer bestimmten Platzkomplexität lösbares …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • theorem — the•o•rem [[t]ˈθi ər əm, ˈθɪər əm[/t]] n. 1) math. Math. a theoretical proposition, statement, or formula embodying something to be proved from other propositions or formulas 2) a rule or law, esp. one expressed by an equation or formula 3) pho… …   From formal English to slang

  • theorem — /ˈθɪərəm / (say thearruhm) noun 1. Mathematics a statement embodying a proof established according to the axioms of a formal system of reasoning. 2. Mathematics a rule or law, especially one expressed by an equation or formula. 3. Logic a… …  

  • theorem — Something proved in a logical system or logical calculus . Formally: the last line of a proof …   Philosophy dictionary

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