theor of algorithms
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Self-stabilization — is a concept of fault tolerance in distributed computing. Distributed computing systems are challenging to debug and analyze. As a result, strong properties (properties that hold under a variety of circumstances) of such systems are especially… … Wikipedia
Clyde Kruskal — Born May 25, 1954 (1954 05 25) (age 57) Nationality American Occupation Computer Scientist Known for Parallel computing … Wikipedia
Maurice Clint — was professor of Computer Science at Queen s University Belfast, Northern Ireland. His research interests include parallel algorithms for numerical linear algebra and the use of formal methods in the development of parallel and distributed… … Wikipedia
Splay tree — A splay tree is a self balancing binary search tree with the additional property that recently accessed elements are quick to access again. It performs basic operations such as insertion, look up and removal in O(log(n)) amortized time. For many… … Wikipedia
Tutte polynomial — This article is about the Tutte polynomial of a graph. For the Tutte polynomial of a matroid, see Matroid. The polynomial x4 + x3 + x2y is the Tutte polynomial of the Bull graph. The red line shows the intersection with the plane … Wikipedia
Causal set theory bibliography — Main article: Causal Sets This Causal Set Theory Bibliography is intended to aid causal set research. It gathers together academic papers, books, talks and PhD theses related to causal set theory and is intended to help readers find references… … Wikipedia
Counting points on elliptic curves — An important aspect in the study of elliptic curves is devising effective ways of counting points on the curve. There have been several approaches to do so, and the algorithms devised have proved to be useful tools in the study of various fields… … Wikipedia
Evolution — This article is about evolution in biology. For other uses, see Evolution (disambiguation). For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to evolution. Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Fast Multipole Method — The Fast Multipole Method (FMM) is a mathematical technique that was developed to speed up the calculation of long ranged forces in the n body problem. It does this by expanding the system Green s function using a multipole expansion, which… … Wikipedia
Charles Roy Henderson — For other people named Charles Henderson, see Charles Henderson (disambiguation). Charles Roy Henderson [[File:More Henderson Biography|225px|alt=]] Born April 1, 1911 … Wikipedia
Сверхтьюринговые вычисления — Сверхтьюринговыми вычислениями (или гипервычислениями (англ. hypercomputation)) называются такие вычисления, которые не могут быть проделаны на машине Тьюринга. Они включают в себя разнообразные гипотетические методы, основанные на… … Википедия