
ðens нареч.
1) уст. оттуда Syn : therefrom
2) отсюда, с этого места
3) с того времени, впредь Syn : thenceforth (книжное) оттуда, от того места - two miles * на расстоянии двух миль оттуда - we went to Rome and * to Paris мы поехали в Рим, а оттуда - в Париж (книжное) отсюда, поэтому - hopeless and * helpless безнадежный и поэтому беспомощный - it follows * из этого вытекает, отсюда следует - you didn't work, * you will get no pay вы не работали и, стало быть, ничего не получите (редкое) с того времени - a year * спустя год с того времени thence отсюда, из этого ~ уст. оттуда ~ с того времени

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thence" в других словарях:

  • Thence — Thence, adv. [OE. thenne, thanne, and (with the adverbal s; see { wards}) thennes, thannes (hence thens, now written thence), AS. [eth]anon, [eth]anan, [eth]onan; akin to OHG. dannana, dann[=a]n, dan[=a]n, and G. von dannen, E. that, there. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thence — (also from thence) ► ADVERB formal 1) from a place or source previously mentioned. 2) as a consequence. USAGE Thence means ‘from that place’, as in he travelled across France to Spain and thence to England. Strictly speaking, the preposition from …   English terms dictionary

  • thence — is a formal and literary word meaning ‘from there’ or ‘from then’: • It is very logical to feed wind powered energy in the form of either electricity or direct heat directly into a buffer system and thence to direct use Journal of the Royal… …   Modern English usage

  • thence — [ðens] adv formal [Date: 1200 1300; : Old English; Origin: thanon from that place ] from there or following that ▪ We went to Trieste, and thence by train to Prague …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • thence — late 13c., from O.E. þanone, þanon from that place + adverbial genitive es. O.E. þanone, þanon is from W.Gmc. *thanana (Cf. O.S. thanana, O.N. þana, O.Fris. thana, O.H.G. danana, Ger. von dannen), related obscurely to the root of THEN (Cf. then) …   Etymology dictionary

  • thence — [thens; ] occas. [ thens] adv. [ME thens, thannes (with adv. gen. suffix es) < OE thanan, thence: for IE base see THAT] 1. from that place; therefrom 2. from that time; thenceforth 3. on that account; therefore …   English World dictionary

  • thence — [ ðens ] adverb LITERARY from a particular place or point …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • thence — /dhens/, adv. 1. from that place: I went first to Paris and thence to Rome. 2. from that time; thenceforth: He fell ill and thence was seldom seen. 3. from that source: Thence came all our troubles. 4. from that fact or reason; therefore: We were …   Universalium

  • thence — [[t]ðe̱ns[/t]] 1) ADV: usu ADV adv/prep, also ADV before v Thence means from a particular place, especially when you are giving directions about how to get somewhere. [FORMAL] I ran straight up to Columbia County, then turned East, came down the… …   English dictionary

  • thence — From a stated place. The phrase thence up the river as used in field notes describing the boundary of a survey of public land, must be read with the declaration that the survey is on the southern bank of the river, in the light of the drawing or… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • thence — adverb /ðɛns/lang=en a) From there. (I came thence.) Commonly used in property descriptions by land surveyors, or aviators relating to IFR established flying procedures, e.g. Cross fix at 6000 feet, thence descend to 3000 feet and fly direct to… …   Wiktionary

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