Смотреть что такое "theistic" в других словарях:
Theistic — The*is tic, Theistical The*is tic*al, a. Of or pertaining to theism, or a theist; according to the doctrine of theists. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
theistic — index sacrosanct Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
theistic — (adj.) 1780, from THEIST (Cf. theist) + IC (Cf. ic) … Etymology dictionary
theistic — theism ► NOUN ▪ belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. Compare with DEISM(Cf. ↑deistic). DERIVATIVES theist noun theistic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek theos god … English terms dictionary
Theistic evolution — or evolutionary creation is a concept that asserts that classical religious teachings about God are compatible with the modern scientific understanding about biological evolution. In short, theistic evolutionists believe that there is a God, that … Wikipedia
Theistic realism — is a philosophical justification for intelligent design proposed by Phillip E. Johnson in his book, Reason in the Balance . According to Johnson, true knowledge begins with the acknowledgment of God as creator of the universe, the unifying… … Wikipedia
Theistic rationalism — is a hybrid of natural religion, Christianity, and rationalism, in which rationalism is the predominant element. [cite web url = detail.asp title = Founding Creed month = January year = 2005… … Wikipedia
Theistic monism — is a form of idealistic monism in which the absolute is identified with the divine, either as an impersonal or a personal God … Wikipedia
Theistic Satanism — Part of the seal of Lucifer from the Grimorium Verum, used as a symbol of Satan by some Theistic Satanists Theistic Satanism, also known as Traditional Satanism, Spiritual Satanism or Devil Worship, is a form of Satanism with the primary belief… … Wikipedia
theistic education — teistinis auklėjimas statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Tikslingas veikimas, kuriuo siekiama ugdyti žmogų, gebantį suprasti dievybės prigimtį ir jos apraiškas, gyventi pagal teistinės filosofijos principus. Paprastai teistinis auklėjimas… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas
theistic — adjective see theism … New Collegiate Dictionary