- theatromania
- театромания
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
theatromania — noun an excessive love of the theatre See Also: theatrophobia … Wiktionary
theatromania — craze for going to plays Manias and Obsessions … Phrontistery dictionary
theatromania — theatromāˈnia noun A craze for play going • • • Main Entry: ↑theatre … Useful english dictionary
Hamburgischer Theaterstreit — (heute auch: Hamburger Theaterstreit) ist die Bezeichnung für zwei historische Auseinandersetzungen um Oper und Schauspiel in Hamburg. Dabei ging es im ersten Streit 1677–1688 vor allem um die Frage der sittlichen Erlaubtheit von Oper und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Anton Reiser (Theologe) — Zeitgenössisches Kupferstich Porträt Reisers aus seiner Zeit in Öhringen zwischen 1675 und 1678 Anton Reiser, Pseudonyme: Reiner Sionat Ophthalmopolita, Marianus Sertorius (* 7. März 1628 in Augsburg; † 29. April 1686 in Hamburg) war ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bytom — Market Square … Wikipedia
amateur theatres — The entire modernist period witnessed ardent theatromania, so that regular theatergoing was supplemented by parlor theatricals, as depicted in fiction by Louisa May Alcott, Willa Cather, Edith Wharton, and others. In towns where long dark… … The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater
Broadway — Synonyms and related words: burlesque, carnival, circus, drama, entertainment industry, legit, legitimate stage, off Broadway, off off Broadway, playland, repertory drama, show biz, show business, stage world, stagedom, stageland, stock, strawhat … Moby Thesaurus
boards — Synonyms and related words: Broadway, L, R, acting area, apron, apron stage, backstage, band shell, bandstand, board, bridge, burlesque, carnival, circus, coulisse, dock, drama, dressing room, entertainment industry, flies, fly floor, fly gallery … Moby Thesaurus
burlesque — Synonyms and related words: Atticism, Broadway, Thalia, aggrandize, aggrandizement, agile wit, amplification, amplify, anamorphosis, ape, arlequinade, bad likeness, ballyhoo, belie, big talk, black comedy, black humor, blowing up, botch, broad,… … Moby Thesaurus
carnival — Synonyms and related words: Broadway, Mardi Gras, Saturnalia, banquet, blowout, burlesque, burlesque show, circus, coochie show, do, drama, entertainment industry, fair, fantoccini, feast, festival, festive occasion, festivity, fete, field day,… … Moby Thesaurus