the order is issued in the name of...
Смотреть что такое "the order is issued in the name of..." в других словарях:
Order of the Bath — Badge of a Companion of the Order of the Bath (Military Division) Awarded by the Queen of the United Kingdom Motto TRIA IUNCTA IN UNO … Wikipedia
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — Classification Latter Day Saint movement Theology Nontrinitarian, Mormonism Governance … Wikipedia
The Stainless Steel Rat — is the hero of a series of science fiction novels written by Harry Harrison.BooksynopsesAs of 2006 there have been ten books in the Stainless Steel Rat series.; The Stainless Steel Rat (1961) : At the beginning of the first novel, the Stainless… … Wikipedia
Order of Adolphe of Nassau — Ordre d Adolphe de Nassau Cross with necklet of a Commander of the Crown Awarded by … Wikipedia
The Satanic Verses controversy — refers to the controversy surrounding Salman Rushdie s novel The Satanic Verses . In particular it involves the novel s alleged blasphemy or unbelief; the 1989 fatwa issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie; and the… … Wikipedia
Order of the Thistle — Insignia of a Knight of the Order of the Thistle Awarded by the Queen of the United Kingdom Type … Wikipedia
Order of Orange-Nassau — Orde van Oranje Nassau The Knight s Cross with swords (5th grade) of the Order of Oranje Nassau Awarded by … Wikipedia
Order of the Crown — The Order of the Crown is the name of a number of decorations issued by several countries. The following nations either presently, or in the past, have issued Orders of the Crown: Order of the Crown (Belgium) Order of the Crown of India Order of… … Wikipedia
The Spamhaus Project — is an international organisation (founded by Steve Linford in 1998) to track e mail spammers and spam related activity. It is named for the anti spam jargon term coined by Linford, spamhaus, a pseudo German expression for an ISP or other firm… … Wikipedia
Order of the Netherlands Lion — Order of the Dutch Lion Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw The Cross of a Knight (3rd grade) of the Order of the Dutch Lion Awarded b … Wikipedia
Order of Calatrava — The order emblem, a greek cross in gules with fleur de lis at its ends. The Order of Calatrava (Spanish: Orden de Calatrava) was the first military order founded in Castile, but the second to receive papal approval. The papal bull confirming th … Wikipedia