the least
Смотреть что такое "the least" в других словарях:
The Least You Should Know About English — (ISBN 1 4130 3381 4) is a non fiction book by Paige Wilson and Teresa Ferster Glazier aiming to assist students improve in their basic spelling and grammar. It has been a highly popular classroom textbook for 30 years and is now in its tenth… … Wikipedia
At the least — Least Least (l[=e]st), a. [OE. last, lest, AS. l[=ae]sast, l[=ae]sest, superl. of l[=ae]ssa less. See {Less}, a.] [Used as the superlative of little.] Smallest, either in size or degree; shortest; lowest; most unimportant; as, the least insect;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
In the least — Least Least (l[=e]st), a. [OE. last, lest, AS. l[=ae]sast, l[=ae]sest, superl. of l[=ae]ssa less. See {Less}, a.] [Used as the superlative of little.] Smallest, either in size or degree; shortest; lowest; most unimportant; as, the least insect;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
in the least — {adv. phr.} Even a little; in any degree or amount. Used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. * /Sue did not understand physics in the least./ * /Are you in the least interested in sewing?/ * /Mother won t be upset if you come… … Dictionary of American idioms
to say the least — {v. phr.} To understate; express as mildly as possible. * /After all we did for him, his behavior toward us, to say the least, was a poor way to show his appreciation./ … Dictionary of American idioms
in the least — {adv. phr.} Even a little; in any degree or amount. Used in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. * /Sue did not understand physics in the least./ * /Are you in the least interested in sewing?/ * /Mother won t be upset if you come… … Dictionary of American idioms
to say the least — {v. phr.} To understate; express as mildly as possible. * /After all we did for him, his behavior toward us, to say the least, was a poor way to show his appreciation./ … Dictionary of American idioms
not in the least — {adv. phr.} Not at all. * /She was not in the least interested in listening to a long lecture on ethics./ … Dictionary of American idioms
not in the least — {adv. phr.} Not at all. * /She was not in the least interested in listening to a long lecture on ethics./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Least squares — The method of least squares is a standard approach to the approximate solution of overdetermined systems, i.e., sets of equations in which there are more equations than unknowns. Least squares means that the overall solution minimizes the sum of… … Wikipedia
Least I Could Do — Author(s) Ryan Sohmer and Lar de Souza Website Current status / schedule Monday through Sunday Launch date F … Wikipedia