the deposit is made at a bank

the deposit is made at a bank
вклад внесен в банк

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "the deposit is made at a bank" в других словарях:

  • Bank regulation in the United States — is highly fragmented compared to other G10 countries where most countries have only one bank regulator. In the U.S., banking is regulated at both the federal and state level. Depending on a banking organization s charter type and organizational… …   Wikipedia

  • Bank fraud — is the use of fraudulent means to obtain money, assets, or other property owned or held by a financial institution. In many instances, bank fraud is a criminal offense. While the specific elements of a particular banking fraud law vary between… …   Wikipedia

  • deposit — de·pos·it 1 /di pä zət/ vt 1: to place for safekeeping or as security may deposit the property with the court; esp: to put in a bank account 2 in the civil law of Louisiana: to place (movable property) under a deposit the depository can not make… …   Law dictionary

  • Bank of America Home Loans — Type Subsidiary of Bank of America Founded 1969 (Countrywide), February 2009 (Bank of America Home Loans) Headquarters Calabasas, CA, USA (Countrywide Financial) Cha …   Wikipedia

  • The Da Vinci Code (film) — The Da Vinci Code Theatrical poster Directed by Ron Howard Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • The Gold Vault of the FED of New York — The gold bullion in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York s vault is part of the monetary reserves of 36 foreign governments, central banks, and official international organizations around the world. It is stored in 122 separate compartments in… …   Wikipedia

  • The Skeleton in Armor — is the name given to a curious archaeological artifact unearthed in Fall River, Massachusetts in 1832, and subsequently destroyed in a fire in 1843.Discovery and descriptionA contemporary account of the skeleton s discovery and general appearance …   Wikipedia

  • Bank robbery — is the crime of robbing a bank. It is also called a bank heist, especially in the United StatesFact|date=September 2008. Theft which lacks intimidation or threat of violent confrontation is not truly a robbery but in fact burglary. Only a very… …   Wikipedia

  • bank guarantee — ➔ guarantee2 * * * bank guarantee UK US noun [C] ► BANKING, FINANCE an agreement made by a bank or other financial organization to pay a debt if the person or company who owes the money cannot pay: »A bank guarantee gives you extra authority when …   Financial and business terms

  • The People's Manifesto — is a comedic and satirical political manifesto, based on an idea by the British satirist and political activist Mark Thomas, and created by his audiences. The manifesto is made up of policies suggested and voted for by members of the public who… …   Wikipedia

  • The Black Onyx — (ザ・ブラックオニキス) is a 1984 computer role playing game released in Japan by Bullet Proof Software, and written by Henk Rogers. It was one of the first Japanese language RPGs ever made. It was originally released for the NEC PC 8801, and ported to… …   Wikipedia

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