that of
Смотреть что такое "that of" в других словарях:
That — That, pron., a., conj., & adv. [AS. [eth][ae]t, neuter nom. & acc. sing. of the article (originally a demonstrative pronoun). The nom. masc. s[=e], and the nom. fem. se[ o] are from a different root. AS. [eth][ae]t is akin to D. dat, G. das, OHG … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
that is — or[that is to say] I mean; that means; in other words. * /John is a New Yorker; that is, he lives in New York./ * /Susan is a good student; that is to say, she gets good grades in school./ … Dictionary of American idioms
that is — or[that is to say] I mean; that means; in other words. * /John is a New Yorker; that is, he lives in New York./ * /Susan is a good student; that is to say, she gets good grades in school./ … Dictionary of American idioms
that — I. pronoun (plural those) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English thæt, neuter demonstrative pronoun & definite article; akin to Old High German daz, neuter demonstrative pronoun & definite article, Greek to, Latin istud, neuter demonstrative … New Collegiate Dictionary
That — The word that is used in the English language for several grammatical purposes:* to introduce a restrictive clause * as a demonstrative pronoun * as a complementizer.In the Old English language that was spelled þæt . It was also abbreviated as a… … Wikipedia
That's So Raven — Format Family Teen sitcom Fantasy Created by Michael Poryes Susan Sherman … Wikipedia
That Mitchell and Webb Look — Format Comedy sketch show Starring David Mitchell Robert … Wikipedia
That Time — is a one act play by Samuel Beckett, written in English between 8 June 1974 and August 1975. It was specially written for actor Patrick Magee, who delivered its first performance, on the occasion of Beckett s seventieth birthday celebration, at… … Wikipedia
That Was The Week That Was — also known as TW3, was a satirical television comedy programme that aired on BBC Television in 1962 and 1963. Devised, produced and directed by Ned Sherrin, the programme was fronted by David Frost and cast members included improvising cartoonis … Wikipedia
That Thing You Do! — Theatrical release poster Directed by Tom Hanks Produced by … Wikipedia
That '80s Show — Series intertitle Genre Sitcom Created by Mark Brazill Terry Turner … Wikipedia