Смотреть что такое "textualist" в других словарях:
textualist — textualíst s. m., adj. m., pl. textualíşti; f. sg. textualístă, pl. textualíste Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic TEXTUALÍST, Ă I. adj., s … Dicționar Român
Textualist — Tex tu*al*ist, n. A textman; a textuary. Lightfoot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
textualist — /teks chooh euh list/, n. 1. a person who adheres closely to a text, esp. of the Scriptures. 2. a person who is well versed in the text of the Scriptures. [1620 30; TEXTUAL + IST] * * * … Universalium
textualist — noun a practitioner or adherent of textualism … Wiktionary
textualist — n. expert on the Bible; one who strictly adheres to the Bible … English contemporary dictionary
textualist — noun a person adhering strictly to a text, especially that of the scriptures. Derivatives textualism noun … English new terms dictionary
textualist — tex·tu·al·ist … English syllables
textualist — tex•tu•al•ist [[t]ˈtɛks tʃu ə lɪst[/t]] n. rel a person versed the Scriptures … From formal English to slang
textualist — /ˈtɛkstʃuələst/ (say tekschoohuhluhst) noun 1. someone who adheres closely to the text, especially of the Scriptures. 2. a scholar who specialises in the study of the text of the Scriptures …
textualist — n. a person who adheres strictly to the letter of the text. Derivatives: textualism n … Useful english dictionary
Mircea Nedelciu — Born November 12, 1950(1950 11 12) Fundulea Died July 12, 1999(1999 07 12) (aged 48) Bucharest Occupation novelist, short story writer, journalist, librarian … Wikipedia