Смотреть что такое "tetrad" в других словарях:
Tetrad — may refer to:* Tetrad (chromosomal formation), a chromosomal formation in meiosis * Tetrad (general relativity), a mathematical frame of reference in general relativity * Tetrad (genetics), the four spores of a yeast * Tetrad (Greek philosophy),… … Wikipedia
Tetrad — Tet rad, n. [L. tetras, adis, Gr. ?, ?: cf. F. t[ e]trade.] 1. The number four; a collection of four things; a quaternion. [1913 Webster] 2. (Chem.) A tetravalent or quadrivalent atom or radical; as, carbon is a tetrad. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tetrad — war eine britische Rockband aus dem südenglischen Bournemouth, Grafschaft Dorset, die 1968 gegründet wurde und aus der Palmer James Band hervorging. Biographie Der Gitarrist und Sänger Richard Palmer James, der Bassist und Sänger John Wetton und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
tetrad — (n.) 1650s, from Gk. tetras (comb. form tetrad ) group of four (see TETRA (Cf. tetra )) … Etymology dictionary
tetrad — tetrad. См. тетрада. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
tetrad — tetrád, tetráde, s.n. (înv.) caiet. Trimis de blaurb, 09.03.2007. Sursa: DAR … Dicționar Român
tetrad — [te′trad΄] n. [Gr tetras (gen. tetrados), four: see TETRA ] 1. a group or set of four 2. Bot. a group of four cells formed by division within a spore mother cell during meiosis 3. Chem. an atom, radical, or element that is tetravalent 4. Genetics … English World dictionary
tetrad — noun Etymology: Greek tetrad , tetras, from tetra Date: 1653 a group or arrangement of four: as a. a group of four cells produced by the successive divisions of a mother cell < a tetrad of spores > b. a group of four synapsed chromatids that… … New Collegiate Dictionary
tetrad — /te trad/, n. 1. a group of four. 2. the number four. 3. Cell Biol. a group of four chromatids formed by synapsis at the beginning of meiosis. 4. Chem. a tetravalent or quadrivalent element, atom, or group. [1645 55; < Gk tetrad (s. of tetrás)… … Universalium
tetrad — 1. A collection of four things having something in common such as a deformity with four features, e.g., Fallot tetralogy. SYN: tetralogy. 2. In chemistry, a quadrivalent element. 3. In heredity, a bivalent ch … Medical dictionary
tetrad — [ tɛtrad] noun technical a group or set of four. Origin C17: from Gk tetras, tetrad four, a group of four … English new terms dictionary