- testudinate
- (книжное) черепаха (книжное) черепаховый (книжное) черепаший (книжное) сводчатый, куполообразный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Testudinate — Tes*tu di*nate, Testudinated Tes*tu di*na ted, a. [L. testudinatus, fr. testudo, inis, a tortoise, an arch or vault.] Resembling a tortoise shell in appearance or structure; roofed; arched; vaulted. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
testudinate — [tes to͞od′ n it, testyo͞od′ nit; tes to͞od′ nāt΄, tes tyo͞od′ nāt΄] adj. [LL testudinatus: see TESTUDO] 1. arched or vaulted like a tortoise shell 2. having a protective bony shell, as the turtle n. a turtle … English World dictionary
testudinate — adj. [L. testudo, tortoise] In the form of the shell of a tortoise; arched; vaulted … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
testudinate — /te stoohd n it, ayt , styoohd /, adj. 1. formed like the carapace of a tortoise; arched; vaulted. 2. chelonian. n. 3. a turtle. 4. any member of the order Testudines, comprising turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. [1720 30; < L testudinatus. See… … Universalium
testudinate — adjective Of, like or relating to a tortoise. Syn: testudinal, testudinarious … Wiktionary
testudinate — tes·tu·di·nate … English syllables
testudinate — tes•tu•di•nate [[t]tɛˈstud n ɪt, ˌeɪt, ˈstyud [/t]] adj. 1) formed like the carapace of a tortoise; arched 2) ram of or pertaining to turtles 3) ram any member of the order Testudines, comprising turtles, tortoises, and terrapins • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
testudinate — /tɛsˈtjudənət/ (say tes tyoohduhnuht), / neɪt/ (say nayt) adjective formed like the carapace of a tortoise; arched; vaulted. {Latin testūdin , stem of testūdō tortoise + ate1} …
testudinate — I. (ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ə̇t, ˌāt adjective Etymology: New Latin Testudinata : of or relating to the Testudinata II. noun ( s) : a reptile of the order Testudinata … Useful english dictionary
Testudinated — Testudinate Tes*tu di*nate, Testudinated Tes*tu di*na ted, a. [L. testudinatus, fr. testudo, inis, a tortoise, an arch or vault.] Resembling a tortoise shell in appearance or structure; roofed; arched; vaulted. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Archelon — Taxobox name = Archelon fossil range = Late Cretaceous image width = 250px image caption = Artist s rendition regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida ordo = Testudines subordo = Cryptodira familia = Protostegidae genus = Archelon … Wikipedia