- testing reactor
- испытательный ядерный реактор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Materials testing reactor — A materials test reactor (MTR) is a high power research reactor. Examples are located at the Idaho National Laboratory in the United States, the PINSTECH National Laboratory (PNL) in Pakistan and in Petten in the Netherlands. Another, the Jules… … Wikipedia
Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment — MSRE plant diagram The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) was an experimental molten salt reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) researching this technology through the 1960s; constructed by 1964, it went critical in 1965 and was… … Wikipedia
DIDO (nuclear reactor) — For other uses, see Dido. DIDO was a nuclear reactor at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom. It used enriched uranium metal fuel, and heavy water as both neutron moderator and primary coolant.… … Wikipedia
Advanced Test Reactor — The Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) is a research reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory. This reactor is primarily designed and used to test materials to be used in other, larger scale and prototype reactors. It can operate at a maximum power of… … Wikipedia
Pebble bed reactor — Sketch of a pebble bed reactor in Italian … Wikipedia
Underground nuclear testing — Preparation for an underground nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site in the 1990s. Nuclear weapons … Wikipedia
Nuclear reactor — Core of CROCUS, a small nuclear reactor used for research at the EPFL in Switzerland This article is a subarticle of Nuclear power. A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction. Most commonly they are… … Wikipedia
Ford Nuclear Reactor — The Ford Nuclear Reactor was a facility at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor dedicated to investigating the peaceful uses of atomic energy. It was a part of the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, a living memorial created to honor the… … Wikipedia
Research reactor — Science with Neutrons Foundations Neutron temperature Flux · Radiation … Wikipedia
S1W reactor — The S1W reactor was the first prototype naval reactor used by the United States Navy to prove that the technology could be used for electricity generation and propulsion on warships. The S1W designation stands for:* S = Submarine platform * 1 =… … Wikipedia
Jules Horowitz Reactor — The Jules Horowitz Reactor (RJH) will be Europe’s newest research reactor, and site preparations are nearly complete as of July 2008. The 100 MWt reactor is being built at Cadarache in southern France. Thousands of cubic metres of dirt and debris … Wikipedia