test value

test value
мат. экспериментальное значение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "test value" в других словарях:

  • Test and tagging — is a generic name given to the process of visually inspecting and electrically testing in service electrical equipment for personal use and/or safety. Colloquially, it is also referred to as; tagging, test tag, test and tag, electrical tagging,… …   Wikipedia

  • Test de kolmogorov-smirnov — En statistiques, le test de Kolmogorov Smirnov est un test d hypothèse utilisé pour déterminer si un échantillon suit bien une loi donnée connue par sa fonction de répartition continue, ou bien si deux échantillons suivent la même loi. Sommaire 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test d'hypothese — Test d hypothèse En statistiques, un test d hypothèse est une démarche consistant à rejeter (ou plus rarement à accepter) une hypothèse statistique, appelée hypothèse nulle, en fonction d un jeu de données (échantillon). On cherche par exemple à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Test (Unix) — test is a Unix command that evaluates conditional expressions.yntax test expression or [ expression ] DescriptionThe test command evaluates the expression parameter. In the second form of the command, the [ ] (brackets) must be surrounded by… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Money — (or Test Notes, Test Bills, Funny Money, Monopoly Money) are a part of the test apparatus that are often used with currency handling equipment, such as Automatic teller machines. While it is often desirable to use actual banknotes or coins in the …   Wikipedia

  • Value engineering — is a systematic method to improve the value of goods and services by using an examination of function. Value, as defined, is the ratio of function to cost. Value can therefore be increased by either improving the function or reducing the cost. It …   Wikipedia

  • Test Card F — is a test card that was created by the BBC and used on television in the United Kingdom and in countries elsewhere in the world for more than four decades. Like other test cards, it was usually shown while no programmes were being broadcast, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Test theories of special relativity — are frameworks, which are used for examinations about the validity of Lorentz symmetry and the existence of a preferred frame of reference. A well known example was created by Reza Mansouri and Roman Ulrich Sexl in 1977. [Citation |… …   Wikipedia

  • Test Engineering — (TE) is generally defined as the application of one or more engineering branches (such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Genetic Engineering, etc.) and/or the application of one or more pure scientific disciplines (such as… …   Wikipedia

  • test — test1 [test] n. [ME, a cupel < OFr, a pot, cupel < L testum, earthen vessel < testa, piece of burned clay, shell < IE base * tekth , to weave, join > Sans tašta, cup, Gr tektōn, carpenter: mod. meaning from use of the cupel in… …   English World dictionary

  • Test-and-set — In computer science, the test and set instruction is an instruction used to both test and (conditionally) write to a memory location as part of a single atomic (i.e. non interruptible) operation. This means setting a value, but first performing… …   Wikipedia

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