test monitor

test monitor
контрольный монитор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "test monitor" в других словарях:

  • Monitor (TV) — Monitor promotional photo Monitor was an NBC newsmagazine series in 1983. NBC News created this series as a platform to possibly equal the success of CBS s 60 Minutes. Production was based in Washington, DC, with offices in the Tenley Circle area …   Wikipedia

  • monitor — [män′i tər] n. [L < pp. of monere, to warn < IE * moni < base * men , to think > MIND] 1. a person who advises, warns, or cautions 2. in some schools, a student chosen to help keep order, record attendance, etc. 3. something that… …   English World dictionary

  • Monitor-Gamma — Die Gammakorrektur ist eine Übertragungsfunktion, die eine Eingangsgröße in eine Ausgangsgröße überführt. Die Übertragungsfunktion ist eine Potenzfunktion mit dem Exponenten, oft kurz Gamma genannt, als einzigem Parameter. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Test engineer — A (hardware) test engineer (TE) is a professional who determines how to create a process that would test a particular product in manufacturing, or related area like RMA department, in order to guarantee that the product will be shipped out with… …   Wikipedia

  • Monitor (comics) — The Monitor The Monitor. Art by George Pérez Publication information Publisher DC Comics First appeara …   Wikipedia

  • monitor — monitorship, n. /mon i teuhr/ n. 1. a student appointed to assist in the conduct of a class or school, as to help take attendance or keep order. 2. a person appointed to supervise students, applicants, etc., taking an examination, chiefly to… …   Universalium

  • monitor — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 television/computer screen ADJECTIVE ▪ colour/color ▪ digital ▪ CCTV, computer, PC, television, TV, v …   Collocations dictionary

  • Test card — A test card, also known as a test pattern in the UK, North America and Australia, is a television test signal, typically broadcast at times when the transmitter is active but no program is being broadcast (often at startup and closedown). Used… …   Wikipedia

  • test — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 examination of sb s knowledge/ability ADJECTIVE ▪ demanding, difficult, gruelling/grueling ▪ easy, simple ▪ fair, good …   Collocations dictionary

  • Test, prostate specific antigen — A test used to screen for cancer of the prostate and to monitor treatment. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland. Although most PSA is carried out of the body in semen, a very small amount escapes into the blood stream. The PSA test is… …   Medical dictionary

  • Monitor, Holter — A type of portable heart monitor. The Holter monitor is a small portable electrocardiogram (ECG) device worn in a pouch around the neck or waist. It keeps a record of the heart rhythm, typically over a 24 hour period, while the patient keeps a… …   Medical dictionary

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