test bench
Смотреть что такое "test bench" в других словарях:
Test bench — A test bench is a virtual environment used to verify the correctness or soundness of a design or model (e.g., a software product).The term has its roots in the testing of electronic devices, where an engineer would sit at a lab bench with tools… … Wikipedia
test bench — noun a) a laboratory bench upon which a device is physically tested b) a virtual simulation of a device for the same purpose … Wiktionary
bench test — noun A test carried out on something before it is installed or released • • • Main Entry: ↑bench * * * 1. chiefly Computing n. a test carried out on a machine, a component, or software before it is released for use, to ensure that it works… … Useful english dictionary
bench test — stendiniai bandymai statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Bandymo stende atliekami objekto bandymai. atitikmenys: angl. bench test; bench testing vok. Standsprüfungen, f rus. испытания на стенде, n; стендовые испытания, n… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
test — See acceptance test bench test bend test board test brake test breathalyzer test breath test car test charpy test crash test … Dictionary of automotive terms
bench testing — stendiniai bandymai statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Bandymo stende atliekami objekto bandymai. atitikmenys: angl. bench test; bench testing vok. Standsprüfungen, f rus. испытания на стенде, n; стендовые испытания, n… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
bench-test — benchˈ test transitive verb • • • Main Entry: ↑bench * * * bench test ; verb bench test sth Main entry: ↑bench testderived … Useful english dictionary
Bench press — illustration The bench press is an exercise of the upper body. For bodybuilding purposes, it is used to stimulate the pectorals, deltoids, and triceps. While on his or her back, the person performing the bench press lowers a weight to the level… … Wikipedia
Test and tagging — is a generic name given to the process of visually inspecting and electrically testing in service electrical equipment for personal use and/or safety. Colloquially, it is also referred to as; tagging, test tag, test and tag, electrical tagging,… … Wikipedia
bench test — (also bench run) noun a test carried out on a machine, a component, or software before it is released. verb (bench test) run a bench test on … English new terms dictionary
bench — n. & v. n. 1 a long seat of wood or stone for seating several people. 2 a working table, e.g. for a carpenter, mechanic, or scientist. 3 (prec. by the) a the office of judge or magistrate. b a judge s seat in a lawcourt. c a lawcourt. d judges… … Useful english dictionary