territorial integrity

territorial integrity
территориальная целостность, неприкосновенность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "territorial integrity" в других словарях:

  • Territorial integrity — is the principle under international law that nation states should not attempt to promote secessionist movements or to promote border changes in other nation states. Conversely it states that border changes imposed by force are acts of aggression …   Wikipedia

  • territorial integrity — n. The principle that a state’s borders are sacrosanct; the idea in international law that one state or nation should not aid actions that could reform the borders of another state or nation. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An… …   Law dictionary

  • integrity — noun 1 quality of being honest and firm in your moral principles ADJECTIVE ▪ great, high ▪ absolute, complete (both esp. BrE) ▪ personal ▪ academic …   Collocations dictionary

  • integrity — 01. Truth and [integrity] seem to have been forgotten in this dirty election campaign. 02. The governor s image as a man of honesty and [integrity] has been seriously damaged by this latest scandal. 03. It s really hard not to be cynical about… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • integrity — in|teg|ri|ty [ ın tegrəti ] noun uncount ** 1. ) the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles that you believe in, so that people respect and trust you: She had a reputation for honesty and personal integrity.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • integrity */*/ — UK [ɪnˈteɡrətɪ] / US noun [uncountable] 1) a) the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles that you believe in, so that people respect and trust you She had a reputation for honesty and personal integrity. maintain/preserve… …   English dictionary

  • Territorial dispute — A territorial dispute is a disagreement over the possession/control of land between two or more states or over the possession or control of land by a new state and occupying power after it has conquered the land from a former state no longer… …   Wikipedia

  • Territorial autonomy — States wishing to retain territorial integrity in opposition to ethnic or indigenous demands for self determination or independence sometimes offer or impose limited territorial autonomy.Since World War I, there has been an increasing impetus for …   Wikipedia

  • integrity — in|teg|ri|ty [ınˈtegrıti] n [U] [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: integrité, from Latin, from integer; INTEGER] 1.) the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right personal/professional/political etc integrity ▪ a man… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • territorial — adj. Territorial is used with these nouns: ↑ambition, ↑behaviour, ↑boundary, ↑claim, ↑concession, ↑conquest, ↑defence, ↑dispute, ↑dominance, ↑expansion, ↑extent, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • History of the Ecuadorian–Peruvian territorial dispute — The territorial dispute between Ecuador and Peru was one of the most persistent and seemingly most resistant to resolution of any in the Western Hemisphere. The conflict arose virtually at the birth of these two nations from the Spanish Empire in …   Wikipedia

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