
прич. прош. вр. от terrace
1) террасированный terraced garden ≈ террасированный сад
2) снабженный террасой terraced apartmentквартира с террасой
3) стоящий в ряду стандартных домиков terraced housesряд стандартных домиков вдоль улицы
4) геол. террасный, террасовый террасированный - * garden террасированный сад cнабженный террасой - * apartment квартира с террасой стоящий в ряду стандартных домиков - * houses ряд стандартных домиков вдоль улицы (геология) террасный, террасовый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "terraced" в других словарях:

  • terraced — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a house) forming part of a terrace. 2) (of land) having been formed into terraces …   English terms dictionary

  • Terraced — Terrace Ter race, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Terraced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Terracing}.] To form into a terrace or terraces; to furnish with a terrace or terraces, as, to terrace a garden, or a building. Sir H. Wotton. [1913 Webster] Clermont s terraced… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • terraced — ter|raced [ˈterıst] adj [only before noun] a terraced field, slope, garden etc has been cut into a series of flat areas along the side of the slope ▪ terraced rice fields …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • terraced — ter|raced [ terəst ] adjective terraced land is on the side of a hill and is divided into layers that look like steps. It is often used for farming or making a garden: a terraced hillside …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • terraced — UK [ˈterəst] / US adjective terraced land is on the side of a hill and is divided into layers that look like steps. It is often used for farming or for making a garden a terraced hillside …   English dictionary

  • terraced — adj. Terraced is used with these nouns: ↑hillside, ↑home, ↑house, ↑housing …   Collocations dictionary

  • terraced — [[t]te̱rɪst[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n A terraced slope or side of a hill has flat areas like steps cut into it, where crops or other plants can be grown …   English dictionary

  • terraced house — terraced houses N COUNT A terraced house or a terrace house is one of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls. [BRIT] (in AM, use row house) …   English dictionary

  • terraced house — n BrE a house which is part of a row of houses that are joined together American Equivalent: row house …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • terraced house — terraced ,house noun count BRITISH a ROW HOUSE …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Terraced house — In architecture and city planning, a terrace(d) or row house or townhouse (though the latter term can also refer to patio houses) is a style of housing in use since the late 17th century, where a row of identical or mirror image houses share side …   Wikipedia

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