ternary set

ternary set
мат. троичное множество

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ternary set" в других словарях:

  • Ternary computer — Ternary computers (also sometimes referred to as trinary) use three valued logic in their calculations. History One of the earliest calculating machines, built by Thomas Fowler entirely from wood in 1840, was a ternary computer. The only modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Ternary numeral system — Ternary or trinary is the base num|3 numeral system. Analogous to a bit , a ternary digit is known as a trit (trinary digit). One trit contains about 1.58596 (log 2 3) bit of information. Although ternary most often refers to a system in which… …   Wikipedia

  • ternary — [tʉr′nə rē] adj. [ME < L ternarius < terni, three each < tres,THREE] 1. made up of three parts or things; threefold; triple 2. third in order or rank 3. Chem. of or containing three different atoms, elements, radicals, etc. 4. Math. a) …   English World dictionary

  • Ternary operation — In mathematics, a ternary operation is an n ary operation with n = 3. A ternary operation on a set A takes any given three elements of A and combines them to form a single element of A. An example of a ternary operation is the product in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Ternary search tree — In computer science, a ternary search tree (trie,TST) is a ternary (three way) tree data structure which combines the time efficiency of digital tries with the space efficiency of binary search trees. The resulting structure is faster than… …   Wikipedia

  • Ternary plot — A ternary plot, ternary graph, triangle plot, simplex plot, or de Finetti diagram is a barycentric plot on three variables which sum to a constant. It graphically depicts the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle.… …   Wikipedia

  • ternary —   a. triple; pertaining to or consisting of three(s); in threes; having three as base;   n. set of three.    ♦ ternion, n. three; set of three …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • ternary — Synonyms and related words: clover, deuce ace, leash, set of three, shamrock, tercet, tern, ternal, ternate, ternion, terzetto, three, three ply, threefold, threesome, tierce, treble, trefoil, trey, triad, trialogue, triangle, tricorn, trident,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Cantor set — In mathematics, the Cantor set, introduced by German mathematician Georg Cantor in 1883 [Georg Cantor (1883) Über unendliche, lineare Punktmannigfaltigkeiten V [On infinite, linear point manifolds (sets)] , Mathematische Annalen , vol. 21, pages… …   Wikipedia

  • Cantor set — Math. the set obtained from the closed interval from 0 to 1 by removing the middle third from the interval, then the middle third from each of the two remaining sets, and continuing the process indefinitely. Also called Cantor ternary set. [after …   Universalium

  • Cantor set — Math. the set obtained from the closed interval from 0 to 1 by removing the middle third from the interval, then the middle third from each of the two remaining sets, and continuing the process indefinitely. Also called Cantor ternary set. [after …   Useful english dictionary

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