ternary operation
Смотреть что такое "ternary operation" в других словарях:
Ternary operation — In mathematics, a ternary operation is an n ary operation with n = 3. A ternary operation on a set A takes any given three elements of A and combines them to form a single element of A. An example of a ternary operation is the product in a… … Wikipedia
ternary operation — an operation in a mathematical system by which three elements are combined to yield a single result. Cf. binary operation, unary operation. * * * … Universalium
ternary operation — an operation in a mathematical system by which three elements are combined to yield a single result. Cf. binary operation, unary operation … Useful english dictionary
Ternary — (from Latin ternarius ) can mean:* Ternary complex, a complex formed by the interaction of three molecules * Ternary compound, a type of chemical compound * Ternary computer, a computer using a ternary numeral system * Ternary form, a form used… … Wikipedia
Ternary logic — A ternary, three valued or trivalent logic (sometimes abbreviated 3VL) is a term to describe any of several multi valued logic systems in which there are three truth values indicating true , false and some third value. This is contrasted with the … Wikipedia
Binary operation — Not to be confused with Bitwise operation. In mathematics, a binary operation is a calculation involving two operands, in other words, an operation whose arity is two. Examples include the familiar arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction,… … Wikipedia
Unary operation — In mathematics, a unary operation is an operation with only one operand, i.e. a single input. Specifically, it is a function where A is a set. In this case f is called a unary operation on A. Common notations are prefix notation (e.g. +, −, not) … Wikipedia
unary operation — noun an operation with exactly one operand • Syn: ↑monadic operation • Hypernyms: ↑operation * * * an operation in a mathematical system by which one element is used to yield a single result, as squaring or taking the square root. Cf. binary… … Useful english dictionary
binary operation — a mathematical operation in which two elements are combined to yield a single result: Addition and multiplication are binary operations on the set of real numbers. Cf. ternary operation, unary operation. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
unary operation — an operation in a mathematical system by which one element is used to yield a single result, as squaring or taking the square root. Cf. binary operation, ternary operation. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
Boolean algebras canonically defined — Boolean algebras have been formally defined variously as a kind of lattice and as a kind of ring. This article presents them more neutrally but equally formally as simply the models of the equational theory of two values, and observes the… … Wikipedia