ternary function

ternary function
мат. тернарная функция

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ternary function" в других словарях:

  • Ternary — (from Latin ternarius ) can mean:* Ternary complex, a complex formed by the interaction of three molecules * Ternary compound, a type of chemical compound * Ternary computer, a computer using a ternary numeral system * Ternary form, a form used… …   Wikipedia

  • Ternary operation — In mathematics, a ternary operation is an n ary operation with n = 3. A ternary operation on a set A takes any given three elements of A and combines them to form a single element of A. An example of a ternary operation is the product in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Ternary search — A ternary search algorithm is a computer science technique for finding the minimum or maximum of a function that is either strictly increasing and then strictly decreasing or vice versa. A ternary search determines either that the minimum or… …   Wikipedia

  • Ternary logic — A ternary, three valued or trivalent logic (sometimes abbreviated 3VL) is a term to describe any of several multi valued logic systems in which there are three truth values indicating true , false and some third value. This is contrasted with the …   Wikipedia

  • Majority function — In Boolean logic, the majority function (also called the median operator) is a function from n inputs to one output. The value of the operation is false when n/2 or more arguments are false, and true otherwise. Alternatively, representing true… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary function — In mathematics, a binary function, or function of two variables, is a function which takes two inputs. Precisely stated, a function f is binary if there exists sets X, Y, Z such that:,f colon X imes Y ightarrow Zwhere X imes Y is the Cartesian… …   Wikipedia

  • Cantor function — In mathematics, the Cantor function, named after Georg Cantor, is an example of a function that is continuous, but not absolutely continuous. DefinitionThe Cantor function c : [0,1] → [0,1] is defined as follows:#Express x in base 3. If possible …   Wikipedia

  • Unary function — A unary function is a function that takes one argument. In computer science, a unary operator is a subset of unary function.Many of the elementary functions are unary functions, in particular the trigonometric functions and hyperbolic function… …   Wikipedia

  • Double-Function Form — is a musical construction that allows for a collection of movements to be viewed as elements of a single larger musical form. The most famous example of this is Franz Liszt’s Piano Sonata in B minor (1853). The sonata is composed as a single… …   Wikipedia

  • Arity — In logic, mathematics, and computer science, the arity i/ˈær …   Wikipedia

  • Троичные функции — Троичной функцией в теории функциональных систем и троичной логике называют функцию типа , где   троичное множество, а   неотрицательное целое число, которое называют арностью или местностью функции. Элементы множества  цифровые… …   Википедия

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