- terms of payment
- условия платежа best terms of payment ≈ самые благоприятные условия платежа most favourable terms of payment ≈ самые благоприятные условия платежа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Terms of Payment — [təːmz əv peɪmənt, englisch], Bezeichnung für die zeitlichen Zahlungsgewohnheiten im internationalen Handel. Inländische Importeure, die Einfuhren in fremder Währung bezahlen müssen, werden im Allgemeinen Vorauszahlungen leisten oder Rechnungen … Universal-Lexikon
Terms of Payment — Terms of Pay|ment [tə:mz əv peimənt] die (Plur.) <aus engl. terms of payment »Zahlungsbedingungen«> Zahlungsgewohnheiten im internationalen Handel … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Terms of Payment — Bezeichnung für die zeitlichen Zahlungsgewohnheiten im Außenhandel. Verbesserung der T.o.P. (ausländische Importeure deutscher Güter zahlen rascher, die deutschen Importeure ausländischer Waren zahlen langsamer als bisher) begründet… … Lexikon der Economics
terms of payment — conditions by which a salary is paid … English contemporary dictionary
terms of payment — /ˌtɜ:mz əv peɪmənt/ plural noun the conditions for paying something … Marketing dictionary in english
terms of payment — /ˌtɜ:mz əv peɪmənt/ plural noun the conditions for paying something … Dictionary of banking and finance
payment terms — ➔ term1 * * * payment terms UK US noun [plural] ► COMMERCE the statement by a business about when and how it should be paid for goods or services that it has supplied: »The written contract should include price, payment terms, and specific work… … Financial and business terms
payment on invoice — ► COMMERCE payment for goods and services that must be made after the buyer receives an invoice: »Terms are payment on invoice within 15 days of invoice date. Main Entry: ↑payment … Financial and business terms
payment — The amount required to repay a loan, including interest and fees. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * payment pay‧ment [ˈpeɪmənt] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] FINANCE an amount of money that must be or has been paid, or the act of paying it … Financial and business terms
payment into court — In litigation, the defendant may make an offer that he feels the plaintiff ought to accept. There is a procedure whereby this is paid into court . If the plaintiff thereafter continues the proceedings, but obtains less damages than the amount… … Law dictionary
payment — I (act of paying) noun acquittal, acquittance, amortization, amortizement, clearance, compensation, defrayal, defrayment, disbursement, discharge of a debt, expenditure, liquidation, outlay, quittance, receipt in full, reckoning, recompense,… … Law dictionary