term of agreement

term of agreement
срок соглашения Syn : term of assignment срок соглашения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "term of agreement" в других словарях:

  • Term Repurchase Agreement — Under a term repurchase agreement, a bank will agree to buy securities from a dealer and then resell them a short time later at a preset price. The difference between the purchase and sale prices represents the interest paid for the agreement.… …   Investment dictionary

  • term — 1 noun (C) ONE WAY OF REGARDING SOMETHING 1 in financial/artistic/psychological etc terms if you describe or consider something in financial etc terms, you are mainly interested in the financial etc side of it: In artistic terms, the film was… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • term — term1 W1S1 [tə:m US tə:rm] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 in terms of something 2 in general/practical/financial etc terms 3¦(word)¦ 4¦(period of time)¦ 5¦(school/university)¦ 6¦(end)¦ 7 come to terms with something 8¦(conditions)¦ 9¦(relationship)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • term — [[t]tɜ͟ː(r)m[/t]] ♦ terms, terming, termed 1) PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR with cl If you talk about something in terms of something or in particular terms, you are specifying which aspect of it you are discussing or from what point of view you are… …   English dictionary

  • term — n often attrib 1: a specified period of time the policy term 2: the whole period for which an estate is granted; also: the estate itself 3 a: the period in which the powers of a court may be validly exercised b …   Law dictionary

  • agreement — agree·ment n 1 a: the act or fact of agreeing by mutual agreement b: unity of opinion, understanding, or intent; esp: the mutual assent of contracting parties to the same terms if they reach agreement ◇ Under common law, agreement is a necessary… …   Law dictionary

  • term sheets — 1) heads of terms Also known as letters of intent, memoranda of understanding, heads of agreement, letters of potential interest, term sheets or protocols. A document which sets out the terms of a commercial transaction agreed in …   Law dictionary

  • agreement — agreement, accord, understanding are comparable chiefly in their political and legal uses. They agree in designating a settlement reached by parties to a dispute or negotiation. All these terms imply concurrence as to what should be done or not… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • term — term1 [tʉrm] n. [ME terme < OFr < L terminus, a limit, boundary, end < IE * termṇ, a boundary stake < base * ter , to cross over, go beyond > TRANS , Gr terma, goal] 1. Archaic a point of time designating the beginning or end of a… …   English World dictionary

  • Term — Term, n. [F. terme, L. termen, inis, terminus, a boundary limit, end; akin to Gr. ?, ?. See {Thrum} a tuft, and cf. {Terminus}, {Determine}, {Exterminate}.] 1. That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Term fee — Term Term, n. [F. terme, L. termen, inis, terminus, a boundary limit, end; akin to Gr. ?, ?. See {Thrum} a tuft, and cf. {Terminus}, {Determine}, {Exterminate}.] 1. That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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