- tepee
- ˈti:pi: сущ. вигвам североамериканских индейцев вигвам tepee вигвам североамериканских индейцев
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tepee — s.f. invar. (Liv.) Cort conic al indienilor din preria americană. [pron. ti pí. / < engl., fr., it. tepee < cuv. sioux]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN TEPEE TÍ PI/ s. f. inv … Dicționar Român
Tepee — Tep*ee , n. An Indian wigwam or tent. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tepee — 1743, ti pee, from Dakota (Siouan) thipi dwelling, house … Etymology dictionary
tepee — (izg. tèpe) m DEFINICIJA šator sjevernoameričkih Indijanaca, ob. izrađen od koža ili krzna i u obliku stošca ETIMOLOGIJA amer.engl. ← egz. thipi … Hrvatski jezični portal
tepee — (also teepee or tipi) ► NOUN ▪ a conical tent made of skins or cloth on a frame of poles, used by American Indians. ORIGIN Sioux, dwelling … English terms dictionary
tepee — ☆ tepee [tē′pē ] n. [Dakota th ípi, dwelling < th í , to dwell + pi, suffix indicating pl., indefinite, or abstract form] 1. a cone shaped tent of animal skins or bark used by North American Indian peoples of the plains and Great Lakes regions … English World dictionary
tepee — /tee pee/, n. a tent of the American Indians, made usually from animal skins laid on a conical frame of long poles and having an opening at the top for ventilation and a flap door. Also, teepee, tipi. Cf. lodge (def. 9), wigwam. [1735 45, Amer.;… … Universalium
tepee — ● tipi ou tepee nom masculin (américain tepee, d un mot sioux) Habitation traditionnelle des Indiens des plaines en Amérique du Nord, constituée par une hutte conique à un ou plusieurs mâts sur lesquels sont tendues des peaux d animaux cousues … Encyclopédie Universelle
tepee — UK [ˈtiːpiː] / US [ˈtɪˌpɪ] noun [countable] Word forms tepee : singular tepee plural tepees a tall round tent made of animal skin that some native americans traditionally lived in … English dictionary
tepee — Wigwam Wig wam, n. [From the Algonquin or Massachusetts Indian word w[=e]k, his house, or dwelling place; with possessive and locative affixes, w[=e] kou om ut, in his (or their) house, contracted by the English to weekwam, and wigwam.] An Indian … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tepee — te·pee s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS etnol. tenda tipica degli indiani nordamericani, di forma conica e costituita da un intelaiatura di pali di legno che sorreggono teli o pelli di copertura {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: tipi. DATA: 1927.… … Dizionario italiano