tent dress
Смотреть что такое "tent dress" в других словарях:
Tent dress — is a dress that hangs lose from shoulder to below the hips, and does not have a waistline. [ [http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary 1861719092/tent dress.html tent dress definition Dictionary MSN Encarta ] ] They are worn without belts of elastic so… … Wikipedia
tent dress — tent′ dress n. clo a full, loose fitting dress that flares outward from top to hem and has no waistline … From formal English to slang
tent dress — n. a dress that is fitted in the shoulders and widens considerably down to the hem … English World dictionary
tent dress — a loose fitting dress that gradually flares outward or grows fuller from the shoulder to the hem and has no waistline. Also called tent. * * * tent coat, tent dress, etc noun A coat, dress, etc shaped like a circular tent, narrow at the shoulders … Useful english dictionary
tent dress — a loose fitting dress that gradually flares outward or grows fuller from the shoulder to the hem and has no waistline. Also called tent. * * * … Universalium
tent dress — noun a full, loose fitting dress having no waistline or darts … English new terms dictionary
tent coat — tent coat, tent dress, etc noun A coat, dress, etc shaped like a circular tent, narrow at the shoulders and wide at the hem • • • Main Entry: ↑tent * * * tent coat, a coat flaring to a wide skirt, resembling a tent … Useful english dictionary
tent — tent1 tentless, adj. tentlike, adj. /tent/, n. 1. a portable shelter of skins, canvas, plastic, or the like, supported by one or more poles or a frame and often secured by ropes fastened to pegs in the ground. 2. something that resembles a tent.… … Universalium
tent — I [[t]tɛnt[/t]] n. 1) a portable shelter or temporary structure of fabric or skins supported by poles and usu. secured by stakes in the ground 2) something that resembles a tent 3) clo tent dress 4) to provide with or lodge in tents 5) to live in … From formal English to slang
dress — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. clothe, attire, array; scold, reprove, berate, whip; adorn, garnish, decorate; align, equalize; prepare, bandage. See clothing, disapprobation, ornament, remedy. n. clothing, costume, vesture, garb,… … English dictionary for students
tent — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a portable shelter or dwelling of canvas, cloth, etc., supported by a pole or poles and stretched by cords attached to pegs driven into the ground. 2 Med. a tentlike enclosure for control of the air supply to a patient. v. 1 tr.… … Useful english dictionary