Смотреть что такое "tenderizer" в других словарях:
Tenderizer — [ tendəraɪzə; englisch, zu to tenderize »zart machen«] der, (s)/ , Zartmacher, Bezeichnung für die zur Beschleunigung der Fleischreifung verwendeten, v. a. aus Papain und Bromelain bestehenden Enzympräparate. Tenderizer dürfen lebenden Tieren… … Universal-Lexikon
tenderizer — 1942, agent noun from TENDERIZE (Cf. tenderize) … Etymology dictionary
tenderizer — (Amer.) n. substance containing enzymes that soften the tough fibers in meat (also tenderiser) … English contemporary dictionary
tenderizer — Slang for a type of dance movement involving the swinging of the right arm with a contorted expression on the face. The Tenderizer. Zubin, when you do the tenderizer, it makes me laugh really hard! … Dictionary of american slang
tenderizer — Slang for a type of dance movement involving the swinging of the right arm with a contorted expression on the face. The Tenderizer. Zubin, when you do the tenderizer, it makes me laugh really hard! … Dictionary of american slang
tenderizer — noun Tenderizer is used after these nouns: ↑meat … Collocations dictionary
Tenderizer — Ten|de|ri|zer [ tɛndəraizə] der; s, <aus gleichbed. engl. tenderizer zu to tenderize »(Fleisch) weich und zart machen«, zu tender »zart«, dies über (alt)fr. tendre zu lat. tener »zart, weich«> Bez. für die zur Beschleunigung der… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
tenderizer — tenderize (also tenderise) ► VERB ▪ make (meat) more tender by beating or slow cooking. DERIVATIVES tenderizer noun … English terms dictionary
tenderizer — noun see tenderize … New Collegiate Dictionary
tenderizer — ten·der·iz·er (tĕnʹdə rī zər) n. A substance, such as a plant enzyme, applied to meat to make it tender. * * * … Universalium
tenderizer — noun a) Any substance added to meat before cooking in order to make it more tender, especially any source of the enzyme papain b) A form of mallet used to beat meat before cooking … Wiktionary