tender rate
Смотреть что такое "tender rate" в других словарях:
Tender (rail) — Sierra Railway #3 Tender … Wikipedia
Tender (railroad car) — Steam locomotives often haul a tender, which is a special railway truck (railroad car in American usage) designed to hold the locomotive s fuel (wood, coal, or oil) and water. In America, tenders are sometimes called coal cars. Steam locomotives… … Wikipedia
Treasury bill tender — A weekly sale of Treasury bills to UK discount houses by the Bank of England. The cost of the bills is set by the Treasury bill tender rate … Big dictionary of business and management
Debt Tender Offer — When a firm retires all or a portion of its debt securities by making an offer to its debtholders to repurchase a predetermined number of bonds at a specified price and during a set period of time. Firms may use a debt tender offer as a mechanism … Investment dictionary
average discount rate — purchasers tender their competitive bids ( competitive bidding) on a discount rate basis. The weighted, or adjusted mean of all bids accepted in Treasury bill auctions. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
noncompetitive tender — offer by an investor to purchase Treasury securities at a price equivalent to the weighted average discount rate or yield of accepted competitive bids in a Treasury auction. Noncompetitive tenders are always accepted in full. Bloomberg Financial… … Financial and business terms
credit tender — proposal for the interest rate which should be attached to the credit … English contemporary dictionary
forward transactions tender — bid for options regarding the dollar rate in future business transactions … English contemporary dictionary
bond tender — /ˈbɒnd tɛndə/ (say bond tenduh) noun the negotiation process between the government and large investors by which the interest rate for a particular government bond issue is fixed …
ПРОЦЕНТНАЯ СТАВКА — цена денежной ссуды, определяемая отношением суммыденег, выплачиваемых в единицу времени в качестве платы за ссуду, к ве личине ссуды. Словарь финансовых терминов. Процентная ставка Процентная ставка плата за кредит в процентном выражении к сумме … Финансовый словарь
РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ КАЗНАЧЕЙСКИХ ВЕКСЕЛЕЙ НА ТОРГАХ — (Treasury bill tender) Ежедневная продажа казначейских векселей британским учетным домам (discount house), проводимая Банком Англии. Цена векселей устанавливается на основе тендерной ставки казначейских векселей (Treasury bill tender rate).… … Финансовый словарь