tend the fire
Смотреть что такое "tend the fire" в других словарях:
fire — [fīr] n. [ME fyr < OE, akin to Ger feuer < IE base * pewōr > Gr pyra, PYRE, Czech pýř, glowing embers] 1. the active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion 2. fuel burning in a furnace, fireplace, etc. 3 … English World dictionary
Fire temple — Part of a series on Zoroastrianism Portal Primary topics Zoroa … Wikipedia
tend — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, short for attenden to attend Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. archaic listen 2. to pay attention ; apply oneself < tend to your own affairs > < t … New Collegiate Dictionary
Fire dancing — (also known as, fire twirling, fire spinning, fire performance, or fire manipulation ) is a group of performance arts or disciplines that involve manipulation of objects on fire. Typically these objects have one or more bundles of wicking, which… … Wikipedia
The Night Angel Trilogy — The Way of Shadows Shadow s Edge Beyond the Shadows Author Brent Weeks Cover artist Illustrator: Calvin Chu Design: Peter Cotton Country United States … Wikipedia
The Saga of Recluce — is a series of fantasy novels written by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.. The initial novel in the series, The Magic of Recluce (from which the series derives its name), was published in 1991. The series is still in publication with the recently released… … Wikipedia
Fire ecology — The Old Fire burning in the San Bernardino Mountains (image taken from the International Space Station) Fire ecology is concerned with the processes linking the natural incidence of fire in an ecosystem and the ecological effects of this fire.… … Wikipedia
Fire (classical element) — Fire has been an important part of many cultures and religions, from pre history to modern day, and was vital to the development of civilization. It has been regarded in many different fashions throughout history.Greek and Roman Tradition Fire is … Wikipedia
Fire safety — refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may result in death, injury, or property damage, alert those in a structure to the presence of a fire in the event one occurs, better enable those threatened… … Wikipedia
Fire protection engineering — (also known as fire engineering or fire safety engineering) is the application of science and engineering principles to protect people and their environments from the destructive effects of fire and smoke. The discipline of fire protection… … Wikipedia
Fire protection — is the study and practice of mitigating the unwanted effects of fires [NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, pg. 2 19] . It involves the study of the behaviour, compartmentalisation, suppression and investigation of fire and its related emergencies, as… … Wikipedia