Смотреть что такое "ten-pound" в других словарях:
ten-pound — tenˈ pound adjective Weighing, worth, sold or offered for, ten pounds • • • Main Entry: ↑ten … Useful english dictionary
ten|pound|er — «TEHN POWN duhr», noun. Informal. the ladyfish … Useful english dictionary
Ten Pound Poms — aka Ten Pound Tourists is a colloquial term used in Australia to describe British subjects who migrated to Australia after the Second World War under an assisted passage scheme established and operated by the Australian Government. The program… … Wikipedia
Ten Pound Island Light — Infobox nrhp | name =Ten Pound Island Light nrhp type = caption = location= Gloucester, Massachusetts lat degrees = 42 lat minutes = 32 lat seconds = 12 lat direction = N long degrees = 70 long minutes = 42 long seconds = 7 long direction = W… … Wikipedia
ten pound Pom — noun alternative form of ten pound tourist, specifically referring to a British immigrant … Wiktionary
ten pound tourist — noun An assisted immigrant from Britain in the post war years. The cost of the trip was ten pounds Sterling, with the remainder paid by the Australian government … Wiktionary
ten-pound Pom — /tɛn paʊnd ˈpɒm/ (say ten pownd pom) noun Colloquial an immigrant from Britain to Australia who arrived under the assisted passage program of 1946–72 under the terms of which the immigrant paid a nominal £10 for the voyage …
pound — [paʊnd] noun [countable] 1. written abbreviation £ the standard unit of currency in Britain, which is divided into 100 pence: • a twenty pound note • a shortfall of millions of pounds 2. the (British) pound the value of the British currency… … Financial and business terms
ten — O.E. ten (Mercian), tien (W.Saxon), from P.Gmc. *tekhan (Cf. O.S. tehan, O.N. tiu, Dan. ti, O.Fris. tian, O.Du. ten, Du. tien, O.H.G. zehan, Ger. zehn, Goth. taihun ten ), from PIE *dekm … Etymology dictionary
ten-pounder — ten poundˈer noun 1. Something weighing or worth ten pounds 2. Any of a family (Elopidae) of marine or freshwater bony fishes 3. A person who was a voter by virtue of occupying property worth ten pounds a year (historical) • • • Main Entry: ↑ten … Useful english dictionary
ten|ner — «TEHN uhr», noun. Informal. 1. a ten dollar bill or a ten pound note. 2. anything that counts as ten … Useful english dictionary