temporary file
Смотреть что такое "temporary file" в других словарях:
Temporary file — Temporary files may be created by computer programs for a variety of purposes; principally when a program cannot allocate enough memory for its tasks, when the program is working on data bigger than architecture s address space, or as a primitive … Wikipedia
Temporary File — [engl.], temporäre Datei … Universal-Lexikon
temporary file — laikinasis failas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Programos sukurta ↑failas laikiniesiems arba tarnybiniams duomenims programos veikimo metu įrašyti. Pavyzdžiui, dokumentų ↑rengyklės dažnai į laikinuosius failus įrašo naudotojo padarytus … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Temporary — is a term that denotes a finite period of time, with a defined beginning and an end. It is derived from the Latin temporarius of seasonal character, lasting a short time, from tempus (gen. temporis ) time, season. It is the opposite of permanent … Wikipedia
temporary swap file — temporary file on a disk whose area functions as virtual memory … English contemporary dictionary
Temporary folder — In computing, a temporary folder or temporary directory is a directory used to hold temporary files. Many operating systems and some software automatically delete the contents of this directory at bootup or at regular intervals.For security… … Wikipedia
Temporary variable — In computer programming, a temporary variable is a variable whose purpose is short lived, usually to hold temporarily data that will soon be discarded, or before it can be placed at a more permanent memory location. Because it is short lived, it… … Wikipedia
Temporary Internet Files — is a directory on Microsoft Windows computer systems. The directory is used by Internet Explorer to cache pages and other multimedia content, such as video and audio files, from websites visited by the user. This allows such websites to load more … Wikipedia
File locking — is a mechanism that enforces access to a computer file by only one user or process at any specific time. The purpose of locking is to prevent the classic interceding update scenario. The interceding update problem may be illustrated as in the… … Wikipedia
File Transfer Protocol — (FTP) is a network protocol used to transfer data from one computer to another through a network such as the Internet.FTP is a file transfer protocol for exchanging and manipulating files over a TCP computer network. A FTP client may connect to a … Wikipedia
File deletion — is a way of removing a file from a computer s file system. The reasons for deleting files are Freeing the disk space Removing duplicate or unnecessary data to avoid confusion Making sensitive information unavailable to others All operating… … Wikipedia