tempering temperature

tempering temperature
температура отпуска

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tempering temperature" в других словарях:

  • temperature — 1530s, fact of being tempered, also character or nature of a substance, from L. temperatura a tempering, moderation, from temperatus, pp. of temperare to moderate (see TEMPER (Cf. temper)). Sense of degree of heat or cold first recorded 1670… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tempering — For other uses, see Temper (disambiguation). Tempered steel. The various colors produced indicate the temperature to which the steel was heated. Light straw indicates 204 °C (399 °F) and light blue indicates 337 °C (639 °F) …   Wikipedia

  • tempering — Heat treating of metal alloys, particularly steel, to reduce brittleness and restore ductility. In tempering, steel is slowly heated to a temperature between 300 and 1,300 °F (150 and 700 °C), depending on desired properties, in an oil or salt… …   Universalium

  • temperature — /tem peuhr euh cheuhr, choor , preuh , peuhr cheuhr, choor /, n. 1. a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with reference to some standard value. The temperature of two systems is the same when the systems are in thermal… …   Universalium

  • tempering — a heat treatment applied to ferrous products after hardening. It consists of heating the steel to some temperature below the transformation range and holding for a suitable time at the temperature, followed by cooling at a suitable rate. The… …   Mechanics glossary

  • temperature — tem•per•a•ture [[t]ˈtɛm pər ə tʃər, ˌtʃʊər, prə , pər tʃər, ˌtʃʊər[/t]] n. 1) phs thr a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with reference to some standard value 2) pat phl a) the degree of heat in a living body, normally… …   From formal English to slang

  • tempering — softening of frozen fish without thawing by raising the temperature to 10 to 15°C, such that blocks of fish can be cut into fish fingers or other commercial products …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Tempering Valve —   A valve used to mix heated water with cold in a heating system to provide a desired water temperature for end use …   Energy terms

  • Parallel tempering — Parallel tempering, also known as replica exchange, is a simulation method aimed at improving the dynamic properties of Monte Carlo method simulations of physical systems, and of Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling methods more generally. The… …   Wikipedia

  • low-temperature tempering — Смотри низкий отпуск …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • high-temperature tempering — Смотри высокий отпуск …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

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