temperature function

temperature function
мат. температурная функция (удовлетворяющая уравнению теплопроводности)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "temperature function" в других словарях:

  • Temperature — This article is about the thermodynamic property. For other uses, see Temperature (disambiguation). A map of global long term monthly average surface air temperatures i …   Wikipedia

  • Function — Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of his public …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis — (TGGE) and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) are forms of electrophoresis which use either a temperature or chemical gradient to denature the sample as it moves across an acrylamide gel. TGGE and DGGE can be applied to nucleic acids… …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature dependence of liquid viscosity — The temperature dependence of liquid viscosity is the phenomenon by which liquid viscosity tends to fall (or, alternatively, its fluidity tends to increase) as its temperature increases. This can be observed, for example, by watching how cooking… …   Wikipedia

  • Function (mathematics) — f(x) redirects here. For the band, see f(x) (band). Graph of example function, In mathematics, a function associates one quantity, the a …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature coefficient — The temperature coefficient is the relative change of a physical property when the temperature is changed by 1 K. In the following formula, let R be the physical property to be measured and T be the temperature at which the property is… …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature gradient — In atmospheric sciences (meteorology, climatology and related fields), the temperature gradient (typically of air, more generally of any fluid) is a physical quantity that describes in which direction and at what rate the temperature changes the… …   Wikipedia

  • function — func|tion1 W1S3 [ˈfʌŋkʃən] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: functio, from fungi to perform ] 1.) [U and C] the purpose that something has, or the job that someone or something does perform/fulfil a function ▪ In your new job you will perform… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • temperature gradient — noun change in temperature as a function of distance (especially altitude) (Freq. 3) • Hypernyms: ↑gradient * * * noun : the rate of change of temperature with displacement in a given direction (as with increase of height) compare lapse rate * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • temperature-sensitive protein — A protein that is functional at one temperature but loses function at another (usually higher) temperature …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • temperature control element — A temperature controlled valve spring bias regulator in an oil filter bypass valve which controls the bypass valve as a function of oil temperature …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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