temper tantrum
Смотреть что такое "temper tantrum" в других словарях:
temper tantrum — Tantrum Tan trum, n. 1. A whim; an affected air. [Colloq. and archaic] Thackeray. [1913 Webster] 2. A display of ill humor, especially a demonstration of rage or frustration by shouting or violent physical movements, such as the stamping of feet; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
temper tantrum — tantrum. [1925 30] * * * temper tantrum, = tantrum. (Cf. ↑tantrum) … Useful english dictionary
Temper Tantrum — Oliver Chesler ist ein US amerikanischer Techno Produzent und DJ. Besser bekannt ist er unter dem Namen The Horrorist. Nach einigen „normalen“ Techno und Acid Produktionen als Disintegrator (zusammen mit John Selway) und Koenig Cylinders kam er… … Deutsch Wikipedia
temper tantrum — tantrum. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
temper tantrum — noun Any fit of bad temper by a child, especially kicking, screaming or deliberately holding the breath … Wiktionary
temper tantrum — emotional fit often accompanied by screaming and crying … English contemporary dictionary
throw a temper tantrum — throw a (temper) tantrum to become very angry and unreasonable. When you are a grown up, you don t throw a tantrum if something offends you, you discuss it. Usage notes: usually the anger is expressed by shouting and crying May be a case for… … New idioms dictionary
Tantrum — Tan trum, n. 1. A whim; an affected air. [Colloq. and archaic] Thackeray. [1913 Webster] 2. A display of ill humor, especially a demonstration of rage or frustration by shouting or violent physical movements, such as the stamping of feet; called… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tantrum — [n] fit anger, animosity, conniption, dander*, flare up, hemorrhage*, huff*, hysterics, outburst, storm*, temper, temper tantrum, wax; concepts 306,384 Ant. calm, contentment, peace … New thesaurus
Tantrum — For other uses, see Tantrum (disambiguation). A tantrum (or temper tantrum or tirade or hissy fit) is an emotional outburst, usually associated with children or those in emotional distress, that is typically characterized by stubbornness, crying … Wikipedia
tantrum — n. 1) to have, throw a tantrum 2) a temper tantrum (he threw a temper tantrum) * * * [ tæntrəm] throw a tantrum to have a temper tantrum (he threw a temper tantrum) … Combinatory dictionary