telex message

telex message
телексное сообщение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "telex message" в других словарях:

  • télex — [ telɛks ] n. m. • 1946; angl. telex, de tel(eprinter) et ex(change) ♦ Service de dactylographie à distance par téléscripteur. Les abonnés du télex. Confirmer par télex. Message transmis par télex. Envoyer des télex. ● télex nom masculin… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • telex — ► NOUN 1) an international system of telegraphy with printed messages transmitted and received by teleprinters using the public telecommunications network. 2) a device used for this. 3) a message sent by this system. ► VERB 1) communicate with by …   English terms dictionary

  • telex — [tel′eks΄] n. [ TEL(ETYPEWRITER) + EX(CHANGE)] 1. a teletypewriter using a telephone dial to establish connections 2. a message sent in this way vt. to send (a message) by telex …   English World dictionary

  • Télex —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Telex.  Télex est un réseau de communication entre téléscripteurs, mis en place à partir des années 1930 et encore en service au début du XXIe siècle. Sommaire 1 Histoire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • telex — /tel eks/, n. 1. (sometimes cap.) a two way teletypewriter service channeled through a public telecommunications system for instantaneous, direct communication between subscribers at remote locations. 2. a teletypewriter used to send or receive… …   Universalium

  • telex — ▪ I. telex tel‧ex 1 [ˈteleks] noun TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1. [uncountable] a system of sending written messages from one business to another along telephone lines or by satellite. This system has been widely replaced by fax and E Mail: • …   Financial and business terms

  • telex — [[t]te̱leks[/t]] telexes, telexing, telexed 1) N UNCOUNT Telex is an international system of sending written messages. Messages are converted into signals which are transmitted, either by electricity or by radio signals, and then printed out by a …   English dictionary

  • telex — /ˈtɛlɛks / (say teleks) noun 1. an international two way communications system which uses the public telecommunications network to link teleprinters at remote locations. 2. → teleprinter. 3. a message received or sent by teleprinter. –verb (i) 4 …  

  • telex — I UK [ˈteleks] / US [ˈtelˌeks] noun Word forms telex : singular telex plural telexes a) [uncountable] a system for sending and receiving messages using a telephone line and a machine called a teleprinter that prints the messages b) [countable] a… …   English dictionary

  • telex — I. noun Etymology: teleprinter + exchange Date: 1932 1. a communication service involving teletypewriters connected by wire through automatic exchanges; also a teletypewriter used in telex 2. a message sent by telex II. transitive verb Date: 1960 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • telex — tel|ex1 [ tel,eks ] noun uncount a system for sending and receiving messages using a telephone line and a machine called a teleprinter that prints the messages a. count a message sent by telex, or the machine used to send or receive it telex… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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