telescopic lens

telescopic lens
фото телеобъектив Syn : telephoto lens, telephotolens телеобъектив

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "telescopic lens" в других словарях:

  • lens — [ lenz ] noun count * 1. ) a thin piece of curved glass or plastic that makes things seem smaller, bigger, or clearer: eyeglasses with thick lenses a ) a piece of equipment that is part of a camera: a camera with a telescopic lens 2. ) the part… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • lens — n. 1) to grind a lens 2) a concave; convex; crystalline; telephoto. telescopic lens 3) contact; corrective lenses * * * [lenz] convex corrective lenses crystalline telephoto telescopic lens a concave contact to grind a lens …   Combinatory dictionary

  • telescopic — tel|e|scop|ic [ˌtelıˈskɔpık US ˈska: ] adj 1.) made of parts that slide over each other so that the whole thing can be made longer or shorter ▪ a tripod with telescopic legs 2.) making distant things look bigger, like a telescope does ▪ a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • telescopic — telescopically, adv. /tel euh skop ik/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a telescope. 2. capable of magnifying distant objects: a telescopic lens. 3. obtained by means of a telescope: a telescopic view of the moon. 4. seen by a… …   Universalium

  • telescopic — tel|e|scop|ic [ ,telə skapık ] adjective 1. ) relating to or similar to a telescope: a telescopic lens 2. ) a telescopic object consists of several sections that slide into one another so that the object can be made longer or shorter: a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • telescopic — adjective 1 made of parts that slide over each other so that the whole thing can be made longer or shorter: a tripod with telescopic legs 2 connected with a telescope: a telescopic lens | a telescopic picture of Mars …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • lens */ — UK [lenz] / US noun [countable] Word forms lens : singular lens plural lenses 1) a) a piece of curved glass or plastic that makes things seem smaller, bigger, or clearer glasses with thick lenses b) a piece of equipment that is part of a camera a …   English dictionary

  • telescopic — [tel΄ə skäp′ik] adj. 1. of a telescope or telescopes 2. seen or obtained by a telescope 3. visible only with the aid of a telescope 4. having distant vision: said esp. of a sight or lens that apparently enlarges distant objects 5. having sections …   English World dictionary

  • Telescopic sight — Scope redirects here. For other uses, see Scope (disambiguation). View through a 4x rifle scope. A telescopic sight, commonly called a scope, is a sighting device that is based on an optical refracting telescope. They are equipped with some form… …   Wikipedia

  • lens — noun 1 curved piece of glass ADJECTIVE ▪ strong, thick ▪ She wears glasses with very thick lenses. ▪ coloured/colored, tinted ▪ optical …   Collocations dictionary

  • telescopic — adj. 1 a of, relating to, or made with a telescope (telescopic observations). b visible only through a telescope (telescopic stars). 2 (esp. of a lens) able to focus on and magnify distant objects. 3 consisting of sections that telescope. Phrases …   Useful english dictionary

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