telephoto lens

telephoto lens
фото телеобъектив Syn : telescopic lens, telephotolens (фотографическое) (кинематографический) телеобъктив

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "telephoto lens" в других словарях:

  • Telephoto lens — Tel e*pho to lens n. a special compound camera lens with a long effective focal length but used in a camera with a short focal length, allowing large images to be obtained of distant objects when used in a camera in place of an ordinary lens;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • telephoto lens — ► NOUN ▪ a lens with a longer focal length than standard, giving a narrow field of view and a magnified image …   English terms dictionary

  • Telephoto lens — Portal|Photography|Large format camera lens.jpg created by a telephoto lens is the same as that created by an ordinary lens of the same specified focal length. Construction If a camera lens were to be constructed from a single lens of 200 mm… …   Wikipedia

  • telephoto lens — UK [ˌtelɪfəʊtəʊ ˈlenz] / US [ˌteləˌfoʊtoʊ ˈlenz] noun [countable] Word forms telephoto lens : singular telephoto lens plural telephoto lenses a camera lens that makes distant objects look larger and closer …   English dictionary

  • telephoto lens — [[t]te̱lɪfoʊtoʊ le̱nz[/t]] telephoto lenses N COUNT A telephoto lens is a powerful camera lens which allows you to take close up pictures of something that is far away …   English dictionary

  • telephoto lens —    A lens that makes a subject appear larger on film than does a normal lens at the same camera to subject distance. A telephoto lens has a longer focal length and narrower field of view than a normal lens …   Forensic science glossary

  • telephoto lens — teleobjektyvas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. telephoto lens vok. Fernbildlinse, f; Teleobjektiv, n rus. телеобъектив, m pranc. téléobjectif, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • telephoto lens — noun (C) a special camera lens (2) used for taking clear photographs of things that are far away: a time before the advent of chequebook journalism and telephoto lenses …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • telephoto lens — Photog. a lens constructed so as to produce a relatively large image with a focal length shorter than that required by an ordinary lens producing an image of the same size: used to photograph small or distant objects. Also called telephotographic …   Universalium

  • telephoto lens — noun a camera lens that magnifies the image • Syn: ↑zoom lens • Hypernyms: ↑camera lens, ↑optical lens …   Useful english dictionary

  • telephoto lens — te|le|pho|to lens [ˌtelıfəutəu ˈlenz US foutou ] n a long ↑lens that you put on a camera so that you can take clear photographs of things that are a long way away …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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