

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "telephoning" в других словарях:

  • Telephoning — In the examples in this entry, A is the person answering the phone, and B is the person who is making the phone call. ◊ answering the phone There are several ways of answering the telephone when someone phones you. You can just say Hello , or you …   Useful english dictionary

  • telephoning — In the examples in this entry, A is the person answering the phone, and B is the person who is making the phone call. ◊ answering the phone There are several ways of answering the telephone when someone phones you. You can just say Hello , or you …   Useful english dictionary

  • telephoning — monkeyfishing (using a home made device to send a strong electrical current through the water, stunning fish which float to the surface and can be dip netted. Illegal) …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • telephoning — tel·e·phone || telɪfəʊn n. device for conveying sounds over great distances by changing the sounds into electrical impulses v. make a call on the telephone …   English contemporary dictionary

  • call — call1 [ kɔl ] verb *** ▸ 1 ask/tell someone to come ▸ 2 shout to someone ▸ 3 telephone someone ▸ 4 describe someone/something ▸ 5 use a name for someone/something ▸ 6 say/announce something loudly ▸ 7 organize something ▸ 8 of animals ▸ 9 say… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Over 21 — Directed by Charles Vidor Produced by Sidney Buchman Written by Ruth Gordon (play) Sidney Buchman Starring …   Wikipedia

  • Charles E. Alden — A picture of Alden on the April 29, 1906 issue of the New York World Nationality American Occupation Inventor …   Wikipedia

  • charge — I n. accusation 1) to bring, level, make a charge; to prefer, press charges 2) to concoct, cook up, fabricate, trump up a charge (they trumped up various charges against her) 3) to prove, substantiate a charge 4) to face a charge 5) to dismiss,… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • think — I n. (colloq.) (BE) to have a think about II v. 1) to think aloud; clearly; hard (I thought hard and finally remembered the name) 2) (D; intr.) ( to reflect ) to think about, of (I was thinking about you; to think of the past) 3) (d; intr.) ( to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • touch — [[t]tʌ̱tʃ[/t]] ♦♦ touches, touching, touched 1) VERB If you touch something, you put your hand onto it in order to feel it or to make contact with it. [V n] Her tiny hands gently touched my face... [V n] Don t touch that dial... [V …   English dictionary

  • that - those — That and those are used in a number of different ways when you are referring to people, things, events, or periods of time. They can both be used as determiners or pronouns. Those is the plural form of that. ◊ referring back You can use that or …   Useful english dictionary

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