telephone dialer

telephone dialer
телефонное наборное устройство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "telephone dialer" в других словарях:

  • Dialer — A dialer (American English) or dialler (British English) is an electronic device that is connected to a telephone line to monitor the dialed numbers and alter them to seamlessly provide services that otherwise require lengthy access codes to be… …   Wikipedia

  • telephone — telephoner, n. /tel euh fohn /, n., v., telephoned, telephoning. n. 1. an apparatus, system, or process for transmission of sound or speech to a distant point, esp. by an electric device. v.t. 2. to speak to or summon (a person) by telephone. 3.… …   Universalium

  • Dialer — Composeur (logiciel) Pour les articles homonymes, voir composeur. Cet article fait partie de la série Programmes malveillants …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dialer — dial ► NOUN 1) a disc marked to show the time on a clock or to indicate a reading or measurement by means of a pointer. 2) a disc with numbered holes on a telephone, turned to make a call. 3) a disc turned to select a setting on a radio, cooker,… …   English terms dictionary

  • Telephone numbers in Brazil — In Brazil (country code: 55), the telephone numbering plan uses eight digit local phone numbers, plus a two digit area code. Public utility services use three digit phone numbers. Local dialing The format for a local phone number is nnnn nnnn ,… …   Wikipedia

  • dialer — noun A person or device that dials, as using a telephone. He treated his assistant as a voice operated dialer …   Wiktionary

  • dialer — /duy euh leuhr, duy leuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that dials. 2. an electronic device attached to a telephone to call preselected numbers automatically when activated. Also, esp. Brit., dialler. [1740 50; DIAL + ER1] * * * dialer, dialing see… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Telephone numbers in Germany — Country Code: 49 International Call Prefix: 00There are no standard lengths for either area codes or subscribers numbers in Germany, meaning that some subscribers numbers may be as short as three digits. Larger towns have shorter area codes… …   Wikipedia

  • dialer — /duy euh leuhr, duy leuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that dials. 2. an electronic device attached to a telephone to call preselected numbers automatically when activated. Also, esp. Brit., dialler. [1740 50; DIAL + ER1] * * * …   Universalium

  • dialer — ● ►en n. m. ►COMM Logiciel permettant de composer un numéro de téléphone. Prononcé dialeur par ici …   Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone

  • dialer — n. program which connects to an Internet service provider by dialing the telephone (Computers); one who dials …   English contemporary dictionary

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