telephone communications
Смотреть что такое "telephone communications" в других словарях:
telephone communications engineer — telefono ryšio inžinierius statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Inžinierius, kuris tiria, projektuoja ir pataria telefono ryšio sistemų ir įrenginių klausimais, planuoja ir prižiūri jų plėtrą, įrengimą, veikimą, atsako už techninę priežiūrą ir … Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis
Communications in Uganda — There are a number of systems of communication in Uganda, including a system of telephony, radio and television broadcasts, internet, mail, and several newspapers. The use of phones and the internet in Uganda has rapidly increased in the last few … Wikipedia
telephone — tel|e|phone1 [ telə,foun ] noun *** 1. ) count a piece of electronic equipment that you use for speaking to someone in a different place. A telephone is often simply called a phone: They ve got a telephone next to their bed. a mobile telephone a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
telephone — I UK [ˈtelɪˌfəʊn] / US [ˈteləˌfoʊn] noun Word forms telephone : singular telephone plural telephones *** [countable] a piece of electronic equipment that you use for speaking to someone in a different place. A telephone is often simply called a… … English dictionary
telephone — /ˈtɛləfoʊn / (say teluhfohn) noun 1. a system or process for the transmission of sound or speech converted into electrical or radio signals to a distant point. 2. an electrical device consisting of a microphone and a receiver with a handset, used …
telephone circuit — Link allowing telephone communications in both directions between two telephone exchanges … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Communications in Burundi — refers to the telephony, internet, postal, radio, and television systems of Burundi. Contents 1 Telephony 2 Internet 3 Postal Service 4 Radio and television … Wikipedia
Communications in Australia — is dominated by the telecommunications provider, Telstra. Other telephone carriers include Optus (owned by Singapore Telecommunications), AAPT and Powertel (both owned by Telecom New Zealand), Soul (SP Telemedia), Vodafone and Hutchison 3G (3… … Wikipedia
Communications in Argentina — gives an overview of the postal, telephone, Internet, radio, television, and newspaper services available in Argentina. Contents 1 Postal 2 Telephone 2.1 Companies 3 Internet … Wikipedia
Communications in Afghanistan — has dramatically increased since 2002, and has embarked on wireless companies, internet, radio stations and television channels. Afghan telecommunication companies, such as Afghan Wireless and Roshan, have been boasting rapid increase in cellular … Wikipedia
Communications in the Netherlands — Communications in the Netherlands. Contents 1 Mail 2 Telephone 2.1 Area codes 2.2 Non geographical codes … Wikipedia