telemetry frame
Смотреть что такое "telemetry frame" в других словарях:
Frame synchronizer — ApplicationTelevisionA frame synchronizer is a device used in live television production to match the timing of an incoming video source to the timing of an existing video system. They are often used to time in consumer video equipment to a… … Wikipedia
Frame synchronization — While receiving a stream of framed data, frame synchronization is the process by which incoming frame alignment signals, i.e. , distinctive bit sequences (a syncword), are identified, i.e. , distinguished from data bits, permitting the data bits… … Wikipedia
ГОСТ 19619-74: Оборудование радиотелеметрическое. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 19619 74: Оборудование радиотелеметрическое. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 34. Адаптация телеметрической системы к объекту Адаптация к объекту Е. Telemetry system adaptation to object Процесс автоматического… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Mariner 2 — Operator NASA Major contractors Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mission type Flyby … Wikipedia
Relay program — The Relay program consisted of Relay 1 and Relay 2, two early American satellites.Relay 1 was launched December 13 1962, and was principally a communications satellite. Included in its payload were radiation experiments designed to map Earth s… … Wikipedia
Relay 1 — was principally a communications satellite. It was launched atop a Delta rocket on December 13 1962 from LC 17 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Included in its payload were radiation experiments designed to map the earth s radiation belts.… … Wikipedia
телеметрический кадр — кадр Последовательность телеметрических сообщений, формируемая в интервале, равном циклу измерений или его части и ограниченная соответствующими маркерами. Примечание Цикл измерений содержит целое число кадров. [ГОСТ 19619 74] Тематики… … Справочник технического переводчика
Телеметрический кадр — 83. Телеметрический кадр Кадр Е. Telemetry frame Последовательность телеметрических сообщений, формируемая в интервале, равном циклу измерений или его части и ограниченная соответствующими маркерами. Примечание. Цикл измерений содержит целое… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems — The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) was formed in 1982 by the major space agencies of the world to provide a forum for discussion of common problems in the development and operation of space data systems. The Committee meets … Wikipedia
Refresh rate — The refresh rate (most commonly the vertical refresh rate , vertical scan rate for CRTs) is the number of times in a second that display hardware draws the data it is being given. This is distinct from the measure of frame rate in that the… … Wikipedia
MidSTAR-1 — is an artificial satellite produced by the United States Naval Academy Small Satellite Program (SSP).[1] It was sponsored by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) Space T … Wikipedia