telegraphic code

telegraphic code
телеграфный код

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "telegraphic code" в других словарях:

  • code — 1 noun (C) 1 BEHAVIOUR a set of rules that tell people how to behave in their life or in certain situations: code of conduct/behaviour: Fry rejected the accepted code of behaviour and married one of his servants. 2 RULES/LAWS a set of written… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Telegraphic speech — Telegraphic speech, according to linguistics and psychology, is speech during the two word stage of language acquisition in children, which is laconic and efficient.In a telegram, writing in flowery language involves hours of deciphering and… …   Wikipedia

  • Telegraphic Signals of Marine Vocabulary — Home Riggs Popham Pour les articles homonymes, voir Popham. The Battle of Trafalgar par Turner (1822–1824) montre les trois …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Code (cryptography) — For other uses, see Code (disambiguation). In cryptography, a code is a method used to transform a message into an obscured form, preventing those who do not possess special information, or key, required to apply the transform from understanding… …   Wikipedia

  • telegraphic — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. by code, by Morse code, by International code, abbreviated, short, worded like a telegram; see also wireless …   English dictionary for students

  • Commercial code (communications) — In telecommunication, a commercial code is a code once used to save on cablegram costs [1][2]. Telegraph (and telex) companies have always charged based on the length of the message sent and this has not changed since the 19th Century. To this… …   Wikipedia

  • Telegraph code — A telegraph code is a character encoding used to transmit information through telegraphy machines. The most famous such code is Morse code. Manual telegraph codes Morse code can be transmitted and received with very primitive equipment.It encodes …   Wikipedia

  • Morse code abbreviations — differ from prosigns for Morse Code in that they observe normal interletter spacing; that is, they are not run together the way prosigns are. From 1845 until well into the second half of the 20th century, commercial telegraphic code books were… …   Wikipedia

  • Chinese telegraph code — The Chinese Telegraph Code, Chinese Telegraphic Code, or Chinese Commercial Code (simplified Chinese: 中文电码; traditional Chinese: 中文電碼; pinyin: Zhōngwén diànmǎ or simplified Chinese: 中文电报码; traditional Chinese: 中文電報碼; pinyin: Zhōngwén… …   Wikipedia

  • International Morse Code — Morse code Morse code (Teleg.) a telegraphic code, in which dots, dashes, and spaces represent letters, numbers, and other elements of text. The original code was invented by Samuel B. Morse. The code now mostly used is the {International Morse… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • International Morse code — Morse code Morse code (Teleg.) a telegraphic code, in which dots, dashes, and spaces represent letters, numbers, and other elements of text. The original code was invented by Samuel B. Morse. The code now mostly used is the {International Morse… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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