telegraph tape
Смотреть что такое "telegraph tape" в других словарях:
telegraph — telegrapher /teuh leg reuh feuhr/; esp. Brit., telegraphist, n. /tel i graf , grahf /, n. 1. an apparatus, system, or process for transmitting messages or signals to a distant place, esp. by means of an electric device consisting essentially of a … Universalium
tape — n. & v. n. 1 a narrow strip of woven material for tying up, fastening, etc. 2 a a strip of material stretched across the finishing line of a race. b a similar strip for marking off an area or forming a notional barrier. 3 (in full adhesive tape)… … Useful english dictionary
Telegraph — From the Greek word meaning distant writing tele distant, graphein to write the invention of telegraphy revolutionized communications as it was adopted by government offices, press, business, military, and the travel industry. Count Alessandro … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
tape printing telegraph apparatus — juostinis telegrafo aparatas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. tape printing telegraph apparatus vok. Streifenschreiber, m rus. ленточный телеграфный аппарат, m pranc. appareil télégraphique à impression sur bande, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Ticker tape — was used by ticker tape machines , the Ticker tape timer, stock ticker machines , or just stock tickers . History The term ticker tape came from the sound made by the machine as it printed, and tape simply refers to the machines using a paper… … Wikipedia
Electrical telegraph — A printing electrical telegraph receiver, and a transmitter key at bottom right An electrical telegraph is a telegraph that uses electrical signals, usually conveyed via telecommunication lines or radio. The electromagnetic telegraph is a device… … Wikipedia
Celebrity sex tape — A celebrity sex tape is a home video of sex acts, as performed by a celebrity and his or her partner, which finds Internet and/or bootleg and occasionally legitimate commercial distribution and made available to an audience for which it was not… … Wikipedia
Transatlantic telegraph cable — The first transatlantic telegraph cable crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Foilhommerum, Valentia Island, in western Ireland to Heart s Content, in eastern Newfoundland. The transatlantic cable bridged North America and Europe, and expedited… … Wikipedia
ticker-tape parade — /tik euhr tayp / a parade honoring a visiting dignitary, hero, or the like in which confetti, shredded newspapers, or the like are showered into the streets from buildings along the parade route. [fr. the former practice of usiing ticker tapes] * … Useful english dictionary
ticker tape — noun a continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written • Hypernyms: ↑paper * * * noun [noncount] : long, thin pieces of paper on which news and stock prices are printed by a special machine (called a ticker) * * * ˈticker tape… … Useful english dictionary
бумага для телеграфной ленты — Клееная среднезольная бумага с ограниченной гладкостью с невысокой белизной, предназначенная для приема телеграмм на буквопечатающих аппаратах. [ГОСТ 17586 80] Тематики бумага и картон EN paper for telegraph tape FR papier pour bande… … Справочник технического переводчика